

Lots of interesting abstracts and cases were submitted for TCTAP 2023. Below are the accepted ones after a thorough review by our official reviewers. Don¡¯t miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and interact with authors as well as virtual participants by sharing your opinion in the comment section!


A Case of Calcified RCA Complicated With Balloon Rupture and Trapped Balloon

By Ka Lung Chui


Ka Lung Chui


Ka Lung Chui1


Prince Of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, China1,
View Study Report
CORONARY - Complications (Coronary)

A Case of Calcified RCA Complicated With Balloon Rupture and Trapped Balloon

Ka Lung Chui1

Prince Of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, China1,

Clinical Information

Patient initials or Identifier Number

Miss C

Relevant Clinical History and Physical Exam

F/54, DM triopathy complicated with ESRF on peritoneal dialysis, severe peripheral artery disease with left foot gangrene
Admitted to hospital for acute coronary syndrome
PE Mild pallor, no murmur, chest clear, weak bilateral femoral pulses
hsTNT 800-900 (normal <14)
ECG showed T inversion over AVL only

Relevant Test Results Prior to Catheterization

Creatinine 949, hs TNT 800-900


Relevant Catheterization Findings

Coro showed LM mild disease, pLAD calcified 60-70%, LCx mild disease, ostial RCA 95% calcified, mRCA 80% calcified


Interventional Management

Procedural Step

Failed to advance guide from femoral due to PVD
Deciced to switch to RRA with 7Fr sheath
IL3.5 as guiding
Wire to PDA with pilot 50 under turnipke LP, exchanged to runthrough EF
Predilated with 2.0mm NC balloon, 3.0mm NC balloon and then 3.5mm ShockWave
IVUS done, guided stenting to o-mRCA with Oynx 4.0 x38 mm DES and Oynx 4.0 x 18mm DES (with aid
of 6Fr Guideliner)
Post-dilated with 4.0mm NC balloon at high pressure
Noted balloon rupture during post-dilatation at oRCA (at 18atm)
Finally retrieve the balloon/wire/guideliner (whole system) with aid of 4Fr ST01
Rewire the RCA with JR4 guiding sionblack, failed to deliver IVUS
With aid of Sasuke dual lumen cathether, wire PLV with Runthrough EF
IVUS confirmed all wiring in true lumen and not under stent strut, but showed significant oRCA calcium
Further predilated oRCA with 6 runs of Shockwave 4.0 x 12mm at 6atm
Stented oRCA with Oynx 4.5 x 12mm DES at 18atm
Angiogram showed hazziness over pRCA
OCT and IVUS interrogation suggestive of balloon fragment left at pRCA stent segment-->decided for
externalisation with Oynx 4.0 x 18mm DES at 14atm
Excellent final angiographic and OCT results
TR band applied
11 strong pull.mp4
21 OCT.mp4
oct_24 Oct 2022 17-47-23.mp4

Case Summary

This case illustrate how to manage trapped balloon and underexpansion in calcified lesion. Afterall, adequate lesion preparation is important in every calcified lesions, if the lesion is not fully prepared before stenting, it may result in an under-expanded stent. Shockwave balloon, although not optimal after stenting, can be used as bailout strategy to treat such calcified lesion after stenting too.