

Lots of interesting abstracts and cases were submitted for TCTAP 2023. Below are the accepted ones after a thorough review by our official reviewers. Don¡¯t miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and interact with authors as well as virtual participants by sharing your opinion in the comment section!


Tip-in Technique for Dissected CTO of Lad Using Single Catheter

By Raghav Sharma


Raghav Sharma


Raghav Sharma1


RKM Hospital , India1,
View Study Report
CORONARY - Chronic Total Occlusion

Tip-in Technique for Dissected CTO of Lad Using Single Catheter

Raghav Sharma1

RKM Hospital , India1,

Clinical Information

Patient initials or Identifier Number


Relevant Clinical History and Physical Exam

37 year old male presented with angina on exertion. CCS Class III. Patient is chronic smoker, hypertensive as well as non-diabetic. Electrocardiography was normal and their was no regional wall motion abnormality. With left ventricular ejection fraction of  50%.Coronary angiogram showed
LM normal
LAD 100% occluded from mid segment and filling retrogradely by homogenous collateral from septal LCX 100% occluded proximally non dominant vessel
RCA mid  segment 99 percent stenosis dominant vessel. 

Relevant Test Results Prior to Catheterization

echocardiography was normal and EKG showed no changes

Relevant Catheterization Findings

LM- 50% stenosis
LAD- Mid 100% CTO filling retrograde by septal collaterals and RCA
LCx- Proximal 100% CTO
RCA- Mid 99% concentric focal stenosis

Interventional Management

Procedural Step

Angioplasty-Step 1- Through right femoral XB 7F was engaged and lesionwas tried to cross antegradely but failedStep 2- Hence wire was crossed via septal (Homogenous)collateral to LAD and over the wire fine cross was taken and parked in LADStep 3- Wire was escalated to GAYA 2 and lesion was crossedand wire was parked in same guideStep 4- Fine cross was passed over the wire and parked inguide at its mouthStep 5- Near the angle of XB 7F and thus fine cross wastaken antegradely and was parked over retrograde wire using Tip-In Technique intothe lesion distallyStep 6- Wire was removed retrogradely and antegradely wirewas parked in LAD with the help of exchanged micro catheter.Step 7- Afterexchanging antegrade wire vessel was predilated with 1.5*10 & 2*10 NCBalloonStep 8- 3.50*48& 3*32 DES was deployed from proximal to mid to distal LAD across itsentire lengthStep 9-After deployment post dilatation was done with 3.5*10 NC balloon with goodTIMI- III flow but suddenly there was di-stasis and dissection in the distal LMand patient went into bradycardia and immediately 4*19 DES was deployed as arescue angioplasty.Step 10-Subsequently patient had on going angina and RCA was having 99% lesion hencePTCA to RCA was done with good TIMI-III flow.Patient isunder follow-up and doing well.  

Case Summary

Retrograde using  single catheter  via  homogenous collateral  poses  greater challenge.  In  this case  it  was  difficult  to  push in  micro  catheter into  same  guide, hence  tip-in  technique was  used  where antegrade  micro  catheter was  parked  over the  retrograde  wire  and then  it  was  parked  in mid  LAD  and antegrade  wire  was taken.  Tip-in  is an  excellent  technique  requiring  correct  understanding  of  branch, angle  of  guide and  poses  a great  technical  challenged.