Lots of interesting abstracts and cases were submitted for TCTAP 2023. Below are the accepted ones after a thorough review by our official reviewers. Don¡¯t miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and interact with authors as well as virtual participants by sharing your opinion in the comment section!
2 Years Experience of Primary PCI in a Tertiary Care Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh
By C M Shaheen Kabir
C M Shaheen Kabir
C M Shaheen Kabir1
Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute, Bangladesh1
View Study Report
Acute Coronary Syndromes (STEMI, NSTE-ACS)
2 Years Experience of Primary PCI in a Tertiary Care Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh
C M Shaheen Kabir1
Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute, Bangladesh1
To evaluate the experience of all primary percutaneous coronaryintervention in 2 years at Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute,Dhaka, Bangladesh.
This retrospective studywas conducted from January 2020 to December 2021. A total of 92 patients basedon predefined enrollment criteria were selected out of 108 patients (as some patients¡¯data were incomplete). Patients with STEMI attending at EmergencyDepartment of ICHRI within 12 hours of chest pain and underwent PPCI were included.However patients with shock, advanced renal failure and severe co-morbiditieswere excluded.
The mean age of patients was 54.1¡¾11.5years. The minimum age was 32 years & maximum was 80. Males were 82(88.3%).Diabetes, hypertension & dyslipidaemia were present in 36(39.1%), 39(42.3%)& 10(10.8%) respectively. AWMI, IWMI & PWMI were present in 44(47.8%), 41(44.6%)& 7(7.6%) respectively. Ofthe 92 patients who underwent PPCI, 47(51.1%) were approached through TF,45(48.9%) through TR routes. The meandoor-to-balloon time was 79.0¡¾ 34.6 minutes. SVD, DVD & TVD waspresent in 44(47.8%), 31(33.7%) & 17(18.5%) respectively. IRA was LAD, LCx& RCA in 41(44.5%), 9(9.8%) & 42(45.7%) respectively. PCI was done in88(95.6%) while 76(86.4%) had DES, 5 (5.7%) had BMS & 7 (7.9%) had DES+BMS.Only POBA was done in 4(4.3%) patients. Average stent length & stentdiameter were 26.2¡¾12.4 mm & 2.9¡¾0.4 mm respectively. Total no of stentused was 107 with a mean of 1.2¡¾0.3 per patient. GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors wereused in 25(27.1%). Thrombus aspiration was done in 11(11.9%) cases. TPI was requiredin 4(4.3%) cases. PCI success with TIMI 3 flow was achieved in 90(97.8%)patients. The incidence of angiographic no flow was seen in 2(2.2%) patients.The mean hospital stay was 4.6¡¾2.1 days. The in hospital mortality was 2.1% whichwas related to ventilator associated pneumonia after PPCI. No TVR, bleeding or acute stent thrombosiswas observed.
Primary PCI was safe & successful in almost all casesdone in our centre. It was effective in achieving reperfusion & reducingimmediate mortality in patients with acute STEMI.