Lots of interesting abstracts and cases were submitted for TCTAP 2023. Below are the accepted ones after a thorough review by our official reviewers. Don¡¯t miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and interact with authors as well as virtual participants by sharing your opinion in the comment section!
PCI in CKD With Diabetes Patients Performing Through Transradial Approach & the Impact of 5F vs. 6F Guide Catheter on Renal Function
By C M Shaheen Kabir
C M Shaheen Kabir
C M Shaheen Kabir1
Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute, Bangladesh1
View Study Report
Renal Insufficiency and Contrast Nephropathy
PCI in CKD With Diabetes Patients Performing Through Transradial Approach & the Impact of 5F vs. 6F Guide Catheter on Renal Function
C M Shaheen Kabir1
Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute, Bangladesh1
The aim of our study is to observe change inpost PCI renal function through radial approach using 5 F vs. 6 F guidecatheter performed by a single operator in a single centre among the chronickidney disease patients through TR approach.
This is a single center single operator randomizedstudy since June 2019 to December 2020. Total 600 PCI (5 F group, n=300, 6 Fgroup, n=300) were performed by a single operator through left radial approach.Basic demographic characteristics, lesion characteristics, number of stents andnumber of vessels were assessed. Out of 300 in 5 F group 108(36%) and 75 (25%)in 6 F group were known case of CKD (Stage I-V). For both group baseline and 72hours after PCI serum creatinine level were measured in CKD and non CKDpatients. Changes in serum creatinine level after PCI were calculated.Incidence of acute kidney injury for both group were observed.
Mean contrast volume was significantly lower in5 F group than in 6 F group (129¡¾12 vs. 163¡¾13.9 ml, p=0.006). In case of CKDpatients post procedural rise of creatinine was significantly lower in 5 Fgroup (p=0.001). Among non CKD patients,19 (9.8%) in 5 F group and 21 (9.3%) in 6 F group developed acute kidney injury.Mean rise of creatinine was significantly lower in 5 F group than in 6 F group(0.7¡¾0.3 vs. 1.3¡¾0.4 mg, p=0.001).
In radial approach PCI using 5 F guide cathetercauses lower renal impairment. Requiring lower amount of contrast volume play thevital role on renal function. Except few condition where 6 F guide catheter isa necessity, use of 5 F guide catheter can be routinely practiced specially inCKDpatient.