Accepted Submissions


List of Accepted Studies

No Abstract Title Presenter
1 TCTAP A-001

Optimal Strategy for Antiplatelet Therapy After Coronary Drug-eluting Stent Implantation in High-risk

Haoyu Wang


2 TCTAP A-002

Limitation of Angiographic Parameters in Predicting Residual Ischemia after Drug-eluting Stent Implantation

Jaewook Chung

Korea (Republic of)

3 TCTAP A-003

Prosthesis Geometrical Predictors of Leaflet Thrombosis following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement with Intra-annular Prostheses

Hashrul Rashid


4 TCTAP A-004

Effectiveness of Intracoronary Eptifibatide Bolus Only on Myocardial Perfusion During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patient Presented with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Real-World Evidence

Korakoth Towashiraporn


5 TCTAP A-005

Effects of Age and Sex on Outcomes After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients with Triple-vessel Disease

Tianyu Li


6 TCTAP A-006

The Optimal Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Strategy for Patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease: A Pairwise and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials

Mengjin Hu


7 TCTAP A-007

Transradial Versus Transfemoral Access in STEMI Patients Undergoing Rescue Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Post Fibrinolytic Therapy: A 10-year Contemporary National Centre Experience

Quah Wy Jin


8 TCTAP A-008

Urinary Alpha1-microglobulin as a Novel Predictor for In-hospital All-cause Mortality in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Hehe Cui


9 TCTAP A-009

Clinical Impact of Direct Rotational Atherectomy in Patients with Complex Coronary Artery Lesions

10 TCTAP A-010

Different Strategies in Thrombus Management in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Is Thrombosuction No Longer Relevant?

Ayan Kar


11 TCTAP A-011

Strategy in Management of Heavily Calcified Coronary Vessels - A Case-series of the Use of Shockwave Coronary Intravascular Lithotripsy

Chi Kit Yu

Hong Kong, China

12 TCTAP A-012

The Real World Usage of Rota Floppy Vs. Rota Extra Support Wire in Asia

An Shing Ang


13 TCTAP A-013

Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Left Main Coronary Artery (LMCA) Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI): 1-Year Data from a Single Centre Without On-site Cardiothoracic Service

Yew Fung Kwan


14 TCTAP A-014

Comparison of TAP Stenting and DK Crush Bifurcation Double Stenting Techniques: Insights from an In Vitro Bench Top Study

Jaryl Ng


15 TCTAP A-015

Impact of Urgent and Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention on Outcome of Left Main Coronary Artery Bifurcational Stenosis

Bum-Erdene Batbayar


16 TCTAP A-016

Intrahospital and Long-term Outcomes After True Bifurcation Stenting

Arnis Laduss


17 TCTAP A-017

Long-term Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Elderly Patients with Multivessel and/or Left Main Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Jianfeng Zheng


18 TCTAP A-018

Mortality After Left Main Stenting – Real Life Registry Results

Ivayla Zhivkova Zheleva-Kyuchukova


19 TCTAP A-019

Pre-dilation with a Scoring Balloon on Small Side Branch Occlusions During Long Coronary Stent Implantation

Kenji Sadamatsu


20 TCTAP A-020

Prognostic Impact of Residual SYNTAX Score After Successful Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Left Main Coronary Artery Bifurcational Stenosis

Oyunkhand Buyankhishig


21 TCTAP A-021

Safety and Efficacy of Two–stent Strategy Versus One–stent Strategy for Bifurcation Lesion: Meta-analysis with Time Frame Follow Up

Hendy Bhaskara Perdana Putra


22 TCTAP A-022

The Impact of Side Branch Dilatation for the Treatment of Bifurcations: An In Vitro Study

Jaryl Ng


23 TCTAP A-023

When the Culprit is the Left Main: In-hospital and 12-month Outcomes of Left Main Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - A Single-centre Experience

Mohammed Ali Osheiba

United Kingdom

24 TCTAP A-024

A Comparison of Atrial Fibrillation Incidence Among Physician and the General Population: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Wei-Syun Hu


25 TCTAP A-025

Assessment of Coronary Collaterals and Its Clinical Determinants in Patients with Total/Subtotal Coronary Artery Occlusion – An Observational Study Conducted at a Tertiary Care Center in India

Arun Kochar


26 TCTAP A-026

Feasibility and Safety of Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention via Distal Transradial Access in the Anatomical Snuffbox

Shaur Zheng Chong


27 TCTAP A-027

Five-year Clinical Outcomes of Successful Recanalisation for Coronary Chronic Total Occlusions in Patients with Versus Without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Peizhi Wang


28 TCTAP A-028

Procedural and 1-year Outcomes Following Large Vessel Coronary Artery Perforation Treated by Covered Stents Implantation: Multicentre CRACK Registry

Wojciech Wanha


29 TCTAP A-029

Incidence, Predictors and Management of Coronary Artery Perforations in the Contemporary Era - A 10-year Dataset

Hamza Umar

United Kingdom

30 TCTAP A-030

Drug Coated Balloon Versus Drug-eluting Stent for In-stent Restenosis After Drug-eluting Stent Implantation: A Meta-analysis

Hendy Bhaskara Perdana Putra


31 TCTAP A-031

Retrospective Comparison of Midterm Clinical Outcomes After Drug-coated Balloon Dilation Versus Drug-eluting Stents Placement for De-novo Stenosis in Large Vessel

Tomoaki Ukaji


32 TCTAP A-032

Proper Application Time and Effect of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in the Patients Who Underwent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction with Cardiogenic Shock

Dae Young Hyun

Korea (Republic of)

33 TCTAP A-033

The Impact of Concomitant Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Clopidogrel on Patient Mortality and Outcome Post Angioplasty

Shaban Mohammed


34 TCTAP A-034

The Prevalence and Predictors of Guideline Directed Medical Therapy in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Manaswini Satla


35 TCTAP A-035

The Risk/Benefit Tradeoff of Extending Dual Antiplatelet Therapy More than 12 Months in TWILIGHT-Like High-Risk Patients After Complex Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Haoyu Wang


36 TCTAP A-036

A Non-randomized, Clinical Registry of the DynamX Novolimus Eluting Coronary Bioadaptor System in the Treatment of Patients with De Novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions - ¡°DynamX Hong Kong Registry¡±

Bryan Ping-Yen Yan

Hong Kong, China

37 TCTAP A-037

Clinical Outcomes After Long Lesion Stenting by Long Length Newer-generation Drug-eluting Stents in Real-world Patients

Sridhar Kasturi


38 TCTAP A-038

Comparison of Mid- to Long-term Outcomes Between Polymer-free Everolimus-eluting Stents and Sirolimus-eluting Stents in a Porcine Model

Dae Young Hyun

Korea (Republic of)

39 TCTAP A-040

Common Femoral Artery Anatomy and Relations to Bony Landmarks: A Computed Tomography Angiogram Among Egyptian Population

Mahmoud Khalil


40 TCTAP A-041

Interwoven Self-expanding Nitinol Stent with Drug-coated Balloon Angioplasty for the Treatment of Severely Calcified Superficial Femoral Artery Lesions: Two-year Outcomes

Donna Shu-Han Lin


41 TCTAP A-042

Microcrystalline Paclitaxel Coated Balloon for Revascularization of Femoro-popliteal Artery Disease: Three-year Outcomes of the Randomized BIOPAC Trial

Przemek Nowakowski


42 TCTAP A-043

Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Associated with an Increased Risk of Mortality in Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia

Cheng-Wei Liu


43 TCTAP A-044

Deep Learning Segmentation of Lumen and Vessel on IVUS Images

Jihoon Kweon

Korea (Republic of)

44 TCTAP A-045

Association of Interatrial Septal Thickness with Severity of Coronary Artery Disease

Shubhra Chakraborty


45 TCTAP A-046

Incidence of Silent Ischemic Stroke After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Severe Aortic Stenosis in Thailand Using 3.0 Tesla MRI

Numfon Sinchai


46 TCTAP A-047

Are Diabetic Patients with Above 0.8 FFR Really Safe?

Kyu-Sun Lee

Korea (Republic of)

47 TCTAP A-048

Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy by Each Resting Index - Comparison with FFR

Nao Yasuda


48 TCTAP A-049

Non-hyperaemic Pressure Ratios Demonstrate Excellent Agreement with iFR in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis

Jasmine Chan


49 TCTAP A-050

Weekend Versus Weekday Admission and Clinical Outcomes in Heart Failure Patients with and Without Atrial Fibrillation - Lessons from an Asian Registry

Wei-Syun Hu


50 TCTAP A-051

Angiographic Complete Revascularization Versus Incomplete Revascularization in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Doyeon Hwang

Korea (Republic of)

51 TCTAP A-052

History of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Unmasked Significant Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease: A Matched Case-control Study

Mohd Asyiq Al-Fard Bin Mohd Raffali


52 TCTAP A-053

A Simple Reproducible Common Femoral Artery Puncture Technique Using Radiologic Markers to Ensure Safe Zone Punctures

Babasaheb Deshmukh


53 TCTAP A-054

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Nonagenarians: A Single Operator Experience

Harinder K. Bali


54 TCTAP A-055

Prevalence of High Bleeding Risk Patients According to the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR) Criteria and the Incidence of Bleeding Outcomes in South-east Asian Patients Who Received Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Single-center Retrospective Study

Pannipa Suwannasom


55 TCTAP A-056

Incidence, Predictors and Clinical Outcome of Contrast-induced Nephropathy Among the Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiogram with or without Percutaneous Coronary Intervention within 24 Hours for Acute ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction, Admitted to Cardiology Unit, National Hospital Sri Lanka

Chamidi Siriwardane

Sri Lanka

56 TCTAP A-057

Intra Vascular Ultrasound Guided Zero-contrast Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: Feasibility and Short-term Outcome

Prathapkumar Natarajapillai


57 TCTAP A-058

The Effect of Diuretics in the Atrial Septal Defect Size Reduction in Childhood

Jue Seong Lee

Korea (Republic of)

58 TCTAP A-059

A Retrospective Case Control Study on Head-to-head Comparison Between LAAO and NOAC in Asian Population: Efficacy of Stroke Prevention and Bleeding Risk

Michael C. S. Chiang

Hong Kong, China

59 TCTAP A-060

A Rare Case of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy with Right Ventricular Clot and Its Potential Complications and Influence on the Timing of Insertion of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator

Choon Keong Tee


60 TCTAP A-061

Analysis of Current Management and Prognosis of Elderly Hospitalized Patients with Primary Mitral Regurgitation from a Multicenter Study

Haitong Zhang


No Case Title Presenter
1 TCTAP C-001

A Roller Coaster Ride: NSTEMI and Recurrent Angina After Coronary Artery Bypass in a Young Patient

Doreen Sumpat


2 TCTAP C-002

Blend of Conventional and Nonconventional Approach During Primary PCI of a Daunting Acute Inferior Wall MI: A Short Story

Kunal Bikram Shaha


3 TCTAP C-003

Culprit Confusion During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Do You Touch the Chronic Total Occlusion?

Koon Wee Koay


4 TCTAP C-004

Double Whammy - Inferior and Anterior Myocardial Infarction in the Same Patient, in the Same Day

Tjen Jhung Lee


5 TCTAP C-005

High Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Setting of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Severe Bicytopenia

Kogulakrishnan Kaniappan


6 TCTAP C-006

High Thrombus Burden of Right Coronary Artery

Norhaliza Am Haris


7 TCTAP C-007

Late Presentation of Acute Coronary Syndrome with Double Acute Total Occlusion - A Challenging Case

Noor Diyana Binti Mohamad Farouk


8 TCTAP C-008

Left Main Artery Thrombus Treated with Drug Eluting Stent

Ahmed Adel Shaheen


9 TCTAP C-009

Midnight Culotte Adventure

Ahmed Rashad


10 TCTAP C-010

Not Your Typical Myocardial Infarction

David Yong


11 TCTAP C-011

PCI To CTO ISR LAD In Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction: Lifesaving Angioplasty For A Patient With Severe Triple Vessel Disease Unsuitable For CABG

Khai Chih Teh


12 TCTAP C-012

Primary Angioplasty of Severely Calcified Right Coronary Artery in a Triple Vessel Coronary Artery Disease Patient Using Antegrade Wire Escalation Technique

Amjad Ali


13 TCTAP C-013

Primary PCI in Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection with Cardiogenic Shock: What to Do When You are Forced to Intervene!

Ankur Batra


14 TCTAP C-014

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Complicating ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Young Women: To Stent or Not To Stent

Safir Sungkar


15 TCTAP C-015

Wellen's Syndrome: The Widow Maker - A Pre-infarction State of Coronary Artery Disease

Tanveer Iqbal Penwala


16 TCTAP C-016

A Case of Successful Rotational Atherectomy in a Dissected and Ectatic Right Coronary Artery

Siti Dalila Adnan


17 TCTAP C-017

Balloon Uncrossable Calcific Lesion

Thurston Erng


18 TCTAP C-018

Complex Calcific Anomalous Right Coronary Artery PCI with Rotablation

Siddhartha Mani


19 TCTAP C-019

OCT Guided Complex PCI Using IVL in Calcific LAD

Karnakar Rapolu


20 TCTAP C-020

Oversized Inflation Technique Using a Scoring Balloon for Severe Calcified Lesion and Non-dilatable-lesion in a Patient with Multivessel Disease Without Traditional Risk Factors: Single Centre Experience

I Gede Sumantra


21 TCTAP C-021

Rotablation in a Heavily Calcified, Uncrossable Chronic Total Occlusion Lesion

Afif Ashari


22 TCTAP C-022

STEMI with Heavy Thrombus Burden

Jiunn-Cherng Lin


23 TCTAP C-023

The Finecross of the Day - A Case of Percutaneous Intervention to Anomalous Right Coronary Artery

Khairul Shafiq Ibrahim


24 TCTAP C-024

The Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy and Intravascular Ultrasound to Aid Percutaneous Coronary Intervention to a Calcific Vein Graft

Mohammed Ali Osheiba

United Kingdom

25 TCTAP C-025

"Drilling Through History" - A Case of Calcified Left Main Bifurcation Lesion with Rotablation and DK-crush in a Patient with High Bleeding Risk

Mugilan Sundarajoo


26 TCTAP C-026

Double Bifurcation Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndrome

Seyedhossein Alavi


27 TCTAP C-027

Early Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Failure in High SYNTAX Score: What¡¯s Next?

Yew Fung Kwan


28 TCTAP C-028

Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Guided Left Main and Anterior Descending Intervention

Seng Hsiung Toh


29 TCTAP C-029

It's Not a Must to Have a Tennis Table to Play Ping Pong - You Can Do It in Coronaries!!

Ramy Mohamed Atlm


30 TCTAP C-030

Left Main Coronary Spasm: Should We Stent?

Marshell Luntungan


31 TCTAP C-031

LM Bifurcation PTCA by TAP

Satish Chirde


32 TCTAP C-032

Our Experience of Covered Stent Implantation for a Saphenous Vein Graft Peri-stent Contrast Staining

Naoki Shibata


33 TCTAP C-033

Rescuing Occluded Side Branch During CTO PCI: The Role of Jailed Balloon Technique

Nanda Iryuza


34 TCTAP C-034

The Poseidon Trident

Abdul Ariff


35 TCTAP C-035

Unprotected Calcified Ostial LM-LAD PCI with Rotational Atherectomy

Prem Arumuganathan


36 TCTAP C-036

Urgent PCI in a Complex Left Main Bifurcation for an ESRD Patient with Recurrent ACS

Kim Fong Ng


37 TCTAP C-037

We Need to Flare, What's the Problem Then? - When Separate Ostia, Choose the Right Guide

Salma Mohamed Elshokafy


38 TCTAP C-038

Multiple Complication After Delayed Treated STEMI in COVID-19 Threatening

Tung-Lin Tsui


39 TCTAP C-039

Difficult RCA Chronic Total Occlusion - Choose the Right Way to the Roma

Chia-Chang Lin


40 TCTAP C-040

GPS by OCT: At the Next Crossroad, Turn Left

Emelianov Pavel

Russian Federation

41 TCTAP C-041

How Do You Manage It?

Tsuda Takuma


42 TCTAP C-042

How to Treat Recurrent Angina with Previous CABG and 17 PCIs

Ameer Al-Bassam Al-Bassam

United Kingdom

43 TCTAP C-043

Knuckle – Wire Technique for Chronic Total Occlusion Lesion

Hong Nyun Kim

Korea (Republic of)

44 TCTAP C-044

Microcatheter (Cosair) Assisted Penetration of Long Standing CTO Lesion of LAD ostium

Hyunsu Kim

Korea (Republic of)

45 TCTAP C-045

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Calcified CTO RCA in a Symptomatic Elderly Patient

Khin Maung Zan Mohd Saad Jalaluddin


46 TCTAP C-046

Retrograde Chronic Total Occlusion Intervention in Right Coronary Artery

Jayanta Saha


47 TCTAP C-047

Retrograde Recanalization of In-stent Chronic Total Occlusion of Left Type Circumflex with the Subsequent Trifurcation Stenting of Left Main

Anatolii Larionov

Russian Federation

48 TCTAP C-048

CHIP NSTEMI; When Complexity Turns Fruitful at 40 Days

Michael N. Gergis


49 TCTAP C-049

IVUS Guided PCI in Chronic Total Occlusion of Very Old Saphenous Vein Graft

Fani Suslina Hasibuan


50 TCTAP C-050

Left Main DK Crush Stenting in CHIP PCI

A.A. Sg. Mas Meiswaryasti Putra


51 TCTAP C-051

Left Main Equivalent Bifurcation Stenting of Saphenous Venous Graft Lesion in a Patient with a Previous Rare Saphenous Venous Graft Intervention

Harinder K. Bali


52 TCTAP C-052

Multimodalities to Achieve Complete Revascularization for Sequential Undilatable Calcified Lesions

Shang-Ju Wu


53 TCTAP C-053

Multi-vessel PCI in a Patient with Dextrocardia Done from Radial Approach

Mohd Asyiq Al-Fard Bin Mohd Raffali


54 TCTAP C-054

Successful Complete Revascularization with Complex Multivessel Staged Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in High Risk Triple Vessel Disease

Azrina Abdul Kadir


55 TCTAP C-056

Triple Vessel Coronary Artery Disease Involving Distal Left Main, CTO LAD, and Ostial LCX in An Elderly Patient : Challenges and Strategy

Kumutha Gobal


56 TCTAP C-057

Can Aortic Cusp Dissection Be Managed Conservatively?

Mohamed Ramadan


57 TCTAP C-058

Complication - Post PCI in a Case of LAD Calcified Lesion

Manotosh Panja


58 TCTAP C-059

Coronary Artery Perforation

Viroj Muangsillapasart


59 TCTAP C-060

Coronary Perforation Sealed with Fat Embolization

Faten Aqilah Aris


60 TCTAP C-061

Double Jeopardy with Guide-induced Left Main Coronary Dissection and Radial Perforation with Successful BAT Technique and Reverse Culotte Stenting

Wongwaris Aphijirawat


61 TCTAP C-062

Iatrogenic Retrograde Coronary Aortic Dissection During Coronary Intervention: Rare But Life-threatening

Ramachandran Sathappan


62 TCTAP C-063

Is Exaggeration of Non-culprit Stenosis Following PCI?

Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman Patwary


63 TCTAP C-064

It Never Rains But It Pours

Sirichai Wiriyatanakorn


64 TCTAP C-065

Longitudinal Stent Deformation Caused by Optical Coherence Tomography Pullback in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Ting-Wei Kao


65 TCTAP C-066

Make Heaven Out of Hell

Afrah Yousif Haroon


66 TCTAP C-067

Multiple Coronary Aneurysm During Coronary Angiography

Steven Setiawan


67 TCTAP C-068

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of a ¡°Disappeared¡± Right Coronary Artery Caused Due to Iatrogenic Coronary Artery Dissection(ICAD): Importance of over the Wire Balloon System

Satej Sadashiv Janorkar


68 TCTAP C-069

Rebreaking the Invisible Wall: A Case of Recurrent ISR in Minimal Setting

Christian Sunur


69 TCTAP C-070

Spiral Dissection of RCA in Procedure of PCI

Azri Nurizal


70 TCTAP C-071

Stent Embolization Caused by Automated CPR Machine

Phattaraphong Pheerawong


71 TCTAP C-072

The Bail Out Case of Iatrogenic Left Main Coronary Artery Dissection - What Should We Do?

Naoya Yabumoto


72 TCTAP C-073

The Danger at the End of CTO Intervention: How to Manage the Septal Perforation

Hieu Ba Tran


73 TCTAP C-074

Uncommon Jailed Wire Complication

Wongsakorn Luangphiphat


74 TCTAP C-075

Waiting for a Healing: PCI to Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Under Intravascular Ultrasound Guidance

Nay Thu Win

United Kingdom

75 TCTAP C-076

Drug Coated Balloon of Native Ostial Left Anterior Descending

Yee Sin Tey


76 TCTAP C-077

Leave Nothing Behind: The Role of DCB Post Orbital Atherectomy

Chan Ho Thum


77 TCTAP C-078

Less is More: Hybrid Use of Drug-coated Balloon and Drug-eluting Stent in Non-left-main True Bifurcation PCI

Heng Shee Kim


78 TCTAP C-079

PCI with Drug Coated Balloon Following Rotablation: A Novel Strategy for PCI in High Bleeding Risk Patients

Siew Hoon Ong


79 TCTAP C-080

Is IABP Out of Favour in Cardiogenic Shock?

Yik Ching Hung

Hong Kong, China

80 TCTAP C-081

Big and Stubborn: Persistent Intracoronary Thrombus

Hoong Sheng Loh


81 TCTAP C-082

A Case of Mesenteric Ischemia Treated with Celiac Artery Stenting

Kuntal Bhattacharyya


82 TCTAP C-083

A Novel Snare Assisted Retrieval of Embolized Percutaneous Aortic Valve and Completion of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

Davinder Singh Chadha


83 TCTAP C-084

PTA of CTO of Subclavian Artery: Radial and Femoral Route

Punish Sadana


84 TCTAP C-085

Embolization of the Arteries of the Lower Jaw with Massive Bleeding from the Aneurysmal Bone Cyst

Sergey Vladimirovich Sokolov

Russian Federation

85 TCTAP C-086

Kissing ¡°Y¡± Stents to Exclude a Large Right Common Carotid Artery Aneurysm in a Case of Takayasu Arteritis

Gopal Ghosh


86 TCTAP C-087

Transradial carotid artery stenting complicated with neck hematoma, conservative is a valid option!

Osama Shoeib


87 TCTAP C-088

Closure of an Iatrogenic RVOT Injury by Amplatzer Vascular Plug

Hsu Chung Lo


88 TCTAP C-089

Psedoaneurysm of Popliteal Artery as a Delayed Complication of JETSTREAM Atherectomy

Je Hyung Park

Korea (Republic of)

89 TCTAP C-090

A Case of Left Iliac Vein Total Occlusion Complicated with Fractured Self-expandable Stent

Cheng Chun Wei Wei


90 TCTAP C-091

Endovascular Intervention for Acute Superior Mesenteric Artery Occlusion with Multi-discipline Modalities

Yen-Liang Lin


91 TCTAP C-092

Hold on! – When Filters are a Must But Deployment a Must Not

Donna Shu-Han Lin


92 TCTAP C-093

Peripheral Angioplasty For Gangrenous Left Ring Finger With Septicaemia

Sridhar Kasturi


93 TCTAP C-094


Chen Ting Tan


94 TCTAP C-095

OCT Guided PCI of Left Main Coronary Artery with Single Stent Strategy

Kala Jeethender Kumar


95 TCTAP C-096

Optical Coherence Tomography Guided Angioplasty in a Patient with In-stent Re-stenosis

Saurabh Dhumale


96 TCTAP C-097

Patience is Virtue: Thrombectomy, Watchful Waiting Followed by Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Guided Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in a Case of High Thrombus Burden

Quah Wy Jin


97 TCTAP C-098

Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy in Calcium Management: Comparison of Intravascular Ultrasound and Optical Coherence Tomography Guidance

Ayan Kar


98 TCTAP C-099

Clinical Case of Asymptomatic Cardiac Subepicardial Interventricular Lipoma

Nailya Mukhamadeeva

Russian Federation

99 TCTAP C-100

Myocardial Infarction with Non-obstructive Coronary Arteries (MINOCA)

Vicknesan Kulasingham


100 TCTAP C-101

Role of Echocardiography Where Life is on the Rope©

Chayan Singha


101 TCTAP C-102

Combining Fractional Flow Reserve and Optical Coherence Tomography Guided Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Two-vessel Intermediate Coronary Artery Lesions

Hehe Cui


102 TCTAP C-103

Echonavigator - Hybrid Visualisation Modality for Atrioseptostomia with the Modified Stent in Patient with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension

Igor V. Buzaev

Russian Federation

103 TCTAP C-104

¡®Missing the Mark¡¯ - A Case of a Misplaced Central Venous Catheter into the Aortic Arch Despite the Use of Ultrasound Guidance

Hannah Byrne

United Kingdom

104 TCTAP C-105

Progressive Heart Block After Device Occlusion of Simple Atrial Septal Defect: A Case Report

Quy Le Nguyen Phu


105 TCTAP C-106

Scimitar Syndrome in Adult

Mounia Khramaz


106 TCTAP C-107

CRT-D Implantation From A Persistent Left Sided Superior Vena Cava

Siddhartha Mani


107 TCTAP C-108

Multiple Intervention as a Sequle of Infarct

Sunip Banerjee


108 TCTAP C-109

Post Myocardial Infarction Ventricular Septal Rupture with Heart Failure Treated Successfully with Transcatheter Device Closure

Keshavamurthy G


109 TCTAP C-110

Efficacy of Serial Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty in Treating an Octogenarian with Severe Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Heart Failure

Hsinyu Tseng


110 TCTAP C-111

Calcified Descending Aortic Dissection During TAVI

Faizal Khan Abdullah


111 TCTAP C-112

Trans Catheter Aortic Valve Replacement in the Presence of Starr-Edward Prosthesis in Mitral Position Using Balloon Expandable Prosthesis - Technical Challenges

Karthik Raghuram


112 TCTAP C-113

Chase the Leak - A Case of Valve-in-Ring with Mitral PVL Closure

Kent, Chak Yu So

Hong Kong, China