Full Program




Wednesday, April 21

Main Arena

Opening of TCTAP 2021 Virtual

Main Arena

Opening of TCTAP 2021 Virtual

Wednesday, April 21
9:00 AM ~ 9:10 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
9:00 AM Welcome Remark & Introduction of TCTAP 2021
9:05 AM Virtual Program Introduction of TCTAP 2021
Speaker: Duk-Woo Park

TCTAP Workshop

I. Left Main and Bifurcation PCI

TCTAP Workshop

I. Left Main and Bifurcation PCI

Wednesday, April 21
9:10 AM ~ 10:47 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)

Chapter-I: Left Main PCI

9:10 AM Individualized Decision-making Between CABG and PCI for Multivessel or LM Disease: Expert Surgeon's View
9:20 AM Chaos in Procedural MI Definitions in Trials Comparing PCI vs. CABG: How Do We Reconcile?
9:30 AM Updated Left Main Revascularization 2021 and Perspective on New Guidelines Changes
Lecturer: Seung-Jung Park
9:40 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

Chapter-2: Bifurcation PCI

9:55 AM The Most Important Things That We Have Learned from Syntax and Excel
Lecturer: Thierry Lefevre
10:05 AM Bifurcation PCI at the Crossroads: New Physiology-Guided Decision-Making 2021
Lecturer: Bon-Kwon Koo
10:15 AM Upfront 2-Stenting for Bifurcation Lesions: When and How?
Lecturer: Shao-Liang Chen
10:25 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Kanichi Otowa, Sang-Yong Yoo
Live Chat Discussant(s): Ka Lung Chui, Chung-Ho Hsu, Sangwoo Park
II. APCTO Club Retrograde Algorithm in 2021

TCTAP Workshop

II. APCTO Club Retrograde Algorithm in 2021

Wednesday, April 21
10:55 AM ~ 12:24 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Jie Qian, Etsuo Tsuchikane
10:55 AM Retrograde Channel Selection and Wiring
Lecturer: Hsien-Li Kao
11:05 AM What If the Microcatheter Cannot Cross the Channel?
Lecturer: Maoto Habara
11:15 AM Catastrophic Traps in Retrograde CTO-PCI
Lecturer: Eugene Brian Wu
11:25 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
11:40 AM Reverse CART: Situations and Solutions
11:50 AM Retrograde Knuckle Wiring: When and How?
Lecturer: Sidney Lo
12:00 PM Wire Externalization: Hurdle and Solution
Lecturer: Scott Harding
12:10 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Bong-Ki Lee, Takafumi Tsuji
V. Valves

TCTAP Workshop

V. Valves

Wednesday, April 21
11:25 AM ~ 1:13 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)

What You Have to Know for Perfect TAVR

11:25 AM TAVR for Bicuspid Aortic Valve Stenosis: Changes in Practice
Lecturer: Raj Makkar
11:35 AM Minimizing Embolic Events: Latest TAVR Data
Lecturer: Eberhard Grube
11:45 AM Coronary Access Post TAVI
Lecturer: Danny Dvir
11:55 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair: Mitraclip Updates

12:10 PM Echo Essentials for Interventionist Beginning Mitraclip
Lecturer: Rebecca Hahn
12:20 PM Functional MR - Percutaneous Treatment Considerations
12:30 PM MitraClip G4: What is Different?
Lecturer: Saibal Kar
12:40 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Woong Chol Kang, Jun-Hyok Oh
¥². Imaging & Physiology

TCTAP Workshop

¥². Imaging & Physiology

Wednesday, April 21
12:30 PM ~ 2:08 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)

New Insights on Physiology in Special Population

12:30 PM Physiological Assessment of Non-obstructive Coronary Disease (INOCA)
Lecturer: Javier Escaned
12:40 PM iFR vs. FFR in Severe AS Patients: Which Is Better? Is It Valid?
Lecturer: Nils Johnson
12:50 PM Role of Invasive Physiology in Transplanted Heart
Lecturer: Jung-Min Ahn
1:00 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

Utilizing Imaging in Your Cath Lab

1:15 PM How I Adopted Intravascular Imaging into My Cathlab Practice?
Lecturer: Sunil Rao
1:25 PM Imaging-Based Treatment of Calcified Coronary Artery
Lecturer: Takashi Akasaka
1:35 PM How to Use Imaging-Guided PCI Optimization in Patients with Severe Chronic Kidney Disease
Lecturer: Ziad A. Ali
1:45 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Yun-Kyeong Cho, Joon-Hyung Doh
Live Chat Discussant(s): Ki-Hyun Jeon, Yongcheol Kim, Nikolas Wanahita
IV. Antithrombotics

TCTAP Workshop

IV. Antithrombotics

Wednesday, April 21
2:15 PM ~ 3:50 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)

DAPT Updates and Evolving Strategy for High-Risk Patients

2:15 PM Shorter DAPT vs. Longer DAPT: Whom and How? - Clinician's and Trialist's Perspective
Lecturer: Robert W. Yeh
2:25 PM Short DAPT with Smart DES: XIENCE Short DAPT Clinical Program
Lecturer: Roxana Mehran
2:35 PM Evolving Antithrombotic Strategies for Patients with DM and CAD
2:45 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

Tailored Antithrombotics for Complex Patients

3:00 PM Tailored Antithrombotic Strategy for CHIP and HBR Patients - How To Do?
Lecturer: Philip M. Urban
3:10 PM Short DAPT Followed by P2Y12 Monotherapy: New Trend Updates with Clinical Evidences
3:20 PM Escalation and De-Escalation Strategy for CHIP-PCI Patients: The Temporal Tuning in the TAILORED-CHIP Trial
Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park
3:30 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Sung Gyun Ahn, Jung Ho Heo

LAAO Theater

Live Case Session 1

LAAO Theater

Live Case Session 1

Wednesday, April 21
9:10 AM ~ 10:17 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Hong Euy Lim, Ping-Han Lo
9:10 AM Case #1: CardioVascular Center Frankfurt (CVC), Germany
Operator(s): Horst Sievert
10:00 AM Combined Multimodal Imaging Modalities and Computer-based Simulation to Guide Left Atrial Appendage Closure
Lecturer: Philippe Garot

Valve Theater

Live Case Session 1

Valve Theater

Live Case Session 1

Wednesday, April 21
1:20 PM ~ 2:28 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): David Joel Cohen
1:20 PM Case #1. TAVR - Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Seung-Jung Park
2nd Operator: Ho Jin Kim
3rd Operator: Do-Yoon Kang
1:20 PM Case #2. TAVR - Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Duk-Woo Park
2nd Operator: Euihong Ko
1:20 PM Case #2. TAVR - Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Echo Interpreter: Seung-Ah Lee
Live Chat Moderator(s): Won-Jang Kim, Se-Whan Lee
Live Case Session 2

Valve Theater

Live Case Session 2

Wednesday, April 21
2:35 PM ~ 3:44 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
2:35 PM Case #3: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA
Operator(s): Raj Makkar
Live Chat Moderator(s): Woo-Baek Chung, Mao-Shin Lin
Live Chat Discussant(s): Cheol Hyun Lee, Nikos Werner
Live Case Session 3

Valve Theater

Live Case Session 3

Wednesday, April 21
3:50 PM ~ 5:00 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
3:50 PM Case #4. TAVR - Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Duk-Woo Park
3:50 PM Case #5. TAVR - Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Ho Jin Kim
Live Chat Moderator(s): Ying-Hwa Chen, Yoon Seok Koh

Satellite Symposium

Master the Complex- Through Innovative Technologies

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Boston Scientific

Satellite Symposium

Master the Complex- Through Innovative Technologies

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Boston Scientific

Wednesday, April 21
10:25 AM ~ 11:18 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
10:25 AM Welcome Remark
Speaker: Joo-Yong Hahn
10:26 AM The Latest Trend of CHIP and Advantage of Better Deliverability
Lecturer: Hyungdon Kook
10:38 AM Discussion
10:51 AM Coronary Interventions Failure of Transradial Approach and Extra Deliverability
Lecturer: Jeehoon Kang
11:04 AM Discussion
11:07 AM Clinical Experience with SYNERGY XD
Lecturer: Takuma Tsuda
11:14 AM Discussion
11:17 AM Closing Remark
Speaker: Kook-Jin Chun
OCT Changes Decision Making

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Abbott

Satellite Symposium

OCT Changes Decision Making

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Abbott

Wednesday, April 21
3:55 PM ~ 4:28 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Nick West
3:55 PM Welcome and Introduction
Speaker: Nick West
3:57 PM MLDMAX and LightLab Initiative: A Comparison to Contemporary Practice
Lecturer: Jung-Sun Kim
4:12 PM Panel Discussion Between Dr. West and Prof. Kim
4:22 PM Summary & Close
Speaker: Nick West
Polymer-Free Angioplasty

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from B. Braun Korea Co., Ltd.

Satellite Symposium

Polymer-Free Angioplasty

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from B. Braun Korea Co., Ltd.

Wednesday, April 21
5:05 PM ~ 6:05 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Moo Hyun Kim
Panelist(s): Do-Yoon Kang, Sunwon Kim
5:05 PM Opening Remarks
Speaker: Moo Hyun Kim
5:08 PM Clinical Outcome of 3 Month vs. 6 Month Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in Polymer-Free Stent : 1-Year Clinical Outcomes
Lecturer: Myeong-Ho Yoon
5:23 PM Procedural Optimization for Successful DCB Treatment
Lecturer: Joo Myung Lee
5:38 PM DCB as a New Paradigm of PCI
Lecturer: Eun-Seok Shin
5:53 PM Discussion
6:03 PM Closing Remarks
Speaker: Moo Hyun Kim
ARNI : First Choice for HF Intervention

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Novartis Korea

Satellite Symposium

ARNI : First Choice for HF Intervention

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Novartis Korea

Wednesday, April 21
1:30 PM ~ 2:26 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
1:30 PM Opening Remarks
Speaker: Youngkeun Ahn
1:35 PM Reinforce Strategies to Improve Outcomes in POST-MI Heart Failure
Lecturer: Do-Yoon Kang
1:50 PM Right Time to Reverse Cardiac Remodeling with ARNI
Lecturer: Jeongsu Kim
2:05 PM Discussion
2:25 PM Closing Remarks
Speaker: Seung-Ho Hur
A New Strategy to Manage Dyslipidemia for ACS Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from SANOFI Korea

Satellite Symposium

A New Strategy to Manage Dyslipidemia for ACS Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from SANOFI Korea

Wednesday, April 21
4:45 PM ~ 5:36 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
4:45 PM Opening Remarks
4:50 PM From Sustainable Lipid Management to Life-Saving CV Protection for ACS Patients
Lecturer: Ki Hoon Han
5:05 PM Discussion
5:12 PM Managing LDL-C with Praluent: Identifying the Patients, Optimizing the Outcomes
Lecturer: Yongwhi Park
5:27 PM Discussion
5:34 PM Closing Remarks
Speaker: Jang-Whan Bae

Abstract Session

I. Endovascular

Abstract Session

I. Endovascular

Wednesday, April 21
9:10 AM ~ 9:59 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
9:10 AM Interwoven Self-expanding Nitinol Stent with Drug-coated Balloon Angioplasty for the Treatment of Severely Calcified Superficial Femoral Artery Lesions: Two-year Outcomes
Abstract Presenter: Donna Shu-Han Lin
9:20 AM Prospective, Controlled, Clinical Randomized Trial Evaluating Novel, Microcrystalline and Biodegradable Polymer Paclitaxel Coated Balloon for the Treatment of Femoro-popliteal Disease (The BIOPAC Trial) Three-Year Outcomes
Abstract Presenter: Przemek Nowakowski
9:30 AM Common Femoral Artery Anatomy and Relations to Bony Landmarks: A Computed Tomography Angiogram Among Egyptian Population
Abstract Presenter: Mahmoud Khalil
9:40 AM Neutrophil-To-Lymphocyte Ratio Associated With An Increased Risk Of Mortality In Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia
Abstract Presenter: Cheng-Wei Liu
9:50 AM A Simple Reproducible Common Femoral Artery Puncture Technique Using Radiologic Markers To Ensure Safe Zone Punctures
Abstract Presenter: Babasaheb Deshmukh
Live Chat Discussant(s): Yong-Hoon Yoon
II. Coronary 1

Abstract Session

II. Coronary 1

Wednesday, April 21
10:05 AM ~ 11:14 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
10:05 AM A Clinical Registry of the DynamX Novolimus Eluting Coronary Bioadaptor System in the Treatment of Patients with de novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions - "DynamX Hong Kong Registry"
Abstract Presenter: Bryan Ping-Yen Yan
10:15 AM The Impact of Side Branch Dilatation for the Treatment of Bifurcations: An in Vitro Study
Abstract Presenter: Jaryl Ng
10:25 AM When the Culprit is the Left Main: In-hospital and 12-month Outcomes of Left Main Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - A Single-centre Experience
Abstract Presenter: Mohammed Ali Osheiba
10:35 AM Safety and Efficacy of Two–stent Strategy Versus One–stent Strategy for Bifurcation Lesion: Meta-analysis with Time Frame Follow Up
Abstract Presenter: Hendy Bhaskara Perdana Putra
10:45 AM Procedural and 1-year Outcomes Following Large Vessel Coronary Artery Perforation Treated by Covered Stents Implantation: Multicentre CRACK Registry
Abstract Presenter: Wojciech Wanha
10:55 AM Incidence, Predictors and Management of Coronary Artery Perforations in the Contemporary Era - A 10-year Dataset
Abstract Presenter: Hamza Umar
11:05 AM Long-term Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Elderly Patients with Multivessel and/or Left Main Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Abstract Presenter: Jianfeng Zheng
Live Chat Discussant(s): Ae-Young Her, Ahmed Adel Shaheen

Case Session

I. Complex PCI

Case Session

I. Complex PCI

Wednesday, April 21
11:20 AM ~ 12:28 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
11:20 AM PCI to CTO ISR LAD in Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction: Lifesaving Angioplasty for a Patient with Severe Triple Vessel Disease Unsuitable for CABG
Case Presenter: Khai Chih Teh
11:30 AM High Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Setting of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Severe Bicytopenia
Case Presenter: Kogulakrishnan Kaniappan
11:40 AM Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy in Calcium Management: Comparison of Intravascular Ultrasound and Optical Coherence Tomography Guidance
Case Presenter: Ayan Kar
11:50 AM A Case of Successful Rotational Atherectomy in a Dissected and Ectatic Right Coronary Artery
Case Presenter: Siti Dalila Adnan
12:00 PM Multimodalities to Achieve Complete Revascularization for Sequential Undilatable Calcified Lesions
Case Presenter: Shang-Ju Wu
12:10 PM The Bail Out Case of Iatrogenic Left Main Coronary Artery Dissection - What Should We Do?
Case Presenter: Naoya Yabumoto
Live Chat Discussant(s): KyungJin Choe, Frankie CC Tam, Kyoko Umeji
II. Complex PCI

Case Session

II. Complex PCI

Wednesday, April 21
12:35 PM ~ 1:23 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Kenji Ando, Hongbing Yan
12:35 PM Not Your Typical Myocardial Infarction
Case Presenter: David Yong
12:45 PM Coronary Perforation Sealed with Fat Embolization
Case Presenter: Faten Aqilah Aris
12:55 PM The Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy to Aid Percutaneous Coronary Intervention to Calcific Venous Graft
Case Presenter: Mohammed Ali Osheiba
1:05 PM Successful Closure of LV Aneurysm Originated from Scarred Myocardium
Case Presenter: Sunip Banerjee
1:15 PM Multiple Complication After Delayed Treated STEMI in COVID-19 Threatening
Case Presenter: Tung-Lin Tsui
Live Chat Discussant(s): Satish Chirde, Sang-Ho Park

Int'l Partnership Session


Int'l Partnership Session


Co-organized by HKSTENT

Wednesday, April 21
2:30 PM ~ 3:33 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)

Old and New Weapons for Our Forever Enemy - Calcified Lesions

2:30 PM My Most Frightening Rotablation Case
2:40 PM Discussion
2:45 PM Conventional and Non-Conventional Use of IVL
Lecturer: Ho Lam
2:55 PM Discussion
3:00 PM When and Why OAS Works Better for Calcified Lesions ?
Lecturer: Michael S. Lee
3:10 PM Discussion
3:15 PM Cocktail Therapy for Unusual Calcified Lesion , the Road to Success
Lecturer: Alan Chan
3:25 PM Discussion

Int'l Partnership Session


Co-organized by TTT

Wednesday, April 21
3:40 PM ~ 4:39 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)

Debates on Multi-Vessel PCI in STEMI

3:40 PM Opening Remark
Speaker: I-Chang Hsieh
3:45 PM Case A (Pro)
Lecturer: Chun-Wei Lee
3:55 PM Case B (Con)
Lecturer: Feng Yu Kuo
4:05 PM Multivessel PCI in STEMI Is Indicated
Lecturer: Chun-Wei Lee
4:20 PM Multivessel PCI Should Be Avoided
Lecturer: Feng Yu Kuo
4:35 PM Closing Remark

Thursday, April 22

TCTAP Awards 2021

Master of the Masters

TCTAP Awards 2021

Master of the Masters

Thursday, April 22
9:00 AM ~ 9:35 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
9:00 AM
Award Recipient: Renu Virmani
9:00 AM Award Presentation
9:07 AM [Special Lecture] Atherosclerotic Plaque Progression and Imaging
Lecturer: Renu Virmani

Plenary Session of TCTAP 2021: Special Keynote Lectures

Part-I: Coronary and Antithrombotics

Plenary Session of TCTAP 2021: Special Keynote Lectures

Part-I: Coronary and Antithrombotics

Thursday, April 22
9:35 AM ~ 10:52 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
9:35 AM The Future of PCI: Contemporary Optimal Indication, Technology, and Outlook
Lecturer: Robert A. Byrne
9:55 AM Update on Antithrombotic Therapy After ACS/PCI: Recent Advances and Innovations in Drugs and Strategy
Lecturer: Deepak Bhatt
10:15 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Jae Sik Jang, Yukio Ozaki
Live Chat Discussant(s): Wei-Chun Huang, Ju Hyeon Kim, Sang Yeub Lee
Part-II: Transcatheter Heart Valve Intervention

Plenary Session of TCTAP 2021: Special Keynote Lectures

Part-II: Transcatheter Heart Valve Intervention

Thursday, April 22
11:00 AM ~ 12:03 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): John Graydon Webb
11:00 AM TAVR Long Journey: Chain of RCTs, Guideline Changes, and Future Directions
11:20 AM Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair: Guideline Changes, Evidence Gaps and Future Directions
Lecturer: Gregg W. Stone
11:40 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Se-Whan Lee

Hot Debates 2021 in Interventional Cardiology

Left Main PCI vs. CABG

Hot Debates 2021 in Interventional Cardiology

Left Main PCI vs. CABG

Thursday, April 22
12:10 PM ~ 1:31 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
12:10 PM Moderators' Introductory Keynote: Why This Debate So Controversial?
Lecturer: David R. Holmes
12:25 PM Choice of PCI vs. CABG When Revascularization Is Indicated for LM Disease: PCI Preferred
12:45 PM Choice of PCI vs. CABG When Revascularization Is Indicated for LM Disease: CABG Preferred
1:05 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Min Woong Kim, Cheuk-Man Yu
TAVR & Antithrombotics Debates

Hot Debates 2021 in Interventional Cardiology

TAVR & Antithrombotics Debates

Thursday, April 22
1:35 PM ~ 2:32 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Samir R. Kapadia
1:35 PM Antiplatelets Only Sufficient: TAVR Antithrombotics Less is More
1:45 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
2:15 PM Antiplatelets Only Not Sufficient: Still Room for NOAC
Live Chat Moderator(s): Ung Kim, Sang-Rok Lee
Live Chat Discussant(s): Deepak Ameta, In Sook Kang, Won-Jang Kim
Vulnerable Plaque: How to Do?

Hot Debates 2021 in Interventional Cardiology

Vulnerable Plaque: How to Do?

Thursday, April 22
2:40 PM ~ 3:31 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
2:40 PM Vulnerable Plaque: What Is It? Pathological Perspective
Lecturer: Renu Virmani
2:45 PM Vulnerable Plaque: How to Detect? from PROSPECT I to PROSPECT II and Beyond
Lecturer: Gregg W. Stone
3:00 PM Vulnerable Plaque: How to Treat? Treatment Perspective with PREVENT
Lecturer: Seung-Jung Park
3:15 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Yoon Haeng Cho, Jin Bae Lee

TCTAP Workshop


TCTAP Workshop


Thursday, April 22
3:35 PM ~ 5:06 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)

Complex PCI with Calcification

3:35 PM What Is Complex PCI, Do Outcomes Depend on Complexity Type and Number?
Lecturer: Mamas Mamas
3:45 PM My Worst Heavily Calcified Complex Case: Expert Tips for Guiding, Wire, Catheter, and Specialty Balloons
Lecturer: Ajay J. Kirtane
3:55 PM Orbital or Laser Atherectomy in Complex PCI
Lecturer: Kevin Croce
4:05 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

Diffuse Long & ISR Treatment

4:20 PM Limiting Stent Length: Back to Spot Stenting
Lecturer: Antonio Colombo
4:30 PM Drug Coated Balloons: Present Status and Future of the Technology
Lecturer: Aloke V. Finn
4:40 PM DES vs. DEB for ISR PCI - What Is the Best Weapon?
Lecturer: Robert A. Byrne
4:50 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Ung Kim

Satellite Symposium

Evolut System Optimization for Younger Patient with Cusp Overlap Technique

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Medtronic Korea Ltd.

Satellite Symposium

Evolut System Optimization for Younger Patient with Cusp Overlap Technique

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Medtronic Korea Ltd.

Thursday, April 22
9:35 AM ~ 10:45 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): In-Ho Chae
Panelist(s): Ju Han Kim, Young-Guk Ko
9:35 AM How to Reduce PPI Rate with Cusp Overlap Technique
Lecturer: Hemal Gada
9:47 AM My Experience Focusing on Cusp Overlap View
Lecturer: Ju Han Kim
9:59 AM TAVR Failure Due to Structural Valve Degeneration
Lecturer: Vinayak Bapat
10:11 AM My Experience of TAVR Using Cusp Overlap View for Self-Expanding THV
Lecturer: Cheol Woong Yu
10:23 AM Discussion
Make a Difference with XIENCE and PCIO

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Abbott

Satellite Symposium

Make a Difference with XIENCE and PCIO

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Abbott

Thursday, April 22
10:59 AM ~ 12:06 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Seung-Jung Park
10:59 AM Latest Clinical Data (XIENCE 28/90, HOST Polytech ACS)
Lecturer: Jung-Hee Lee
11:14 AM Benefits of OCT in PCI Guidance and Vulnerable Plaque Detection
Lecturer: Takashi Kubo
11:29 AM Physiologic Assessment just for "Intermediate Angiographic Stenosis"?
Lecturer: Joo Myung Lee
11:39 AM Discussion
Polypill or SPC Therapy for Multiple Risk Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Daewoong CO.,LTD.

Satellite Symposium

Polypill or SPC Therapy for Multiple Risk Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Daewoong CO.,LTD.

Thursday, April 22
12:10 PM ~ 12:51 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Myeong-Ki Hong
12:10 PM Opening Remarks
12:15 PM Double Prevention of CVD Risk for Hypertensive Patients by Polypill
Lecturer: Jin-Man Cho
12:30 PM Lower Is Better & Combination Is Better
Lecturer: Soe-Hee Ann
12:45 PM Discussion with Q & A
The Benefit of Atorvastatin/Ezetimine Combination Therapy in Coronary Risk Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Organon Korea

Satellite Symposium

The Benefit of Atorvastatin/Ezetimine Combination Therapy in Coronary Risk Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Organon Korea

Thursday, April 22
1:00 PM ~ 1:52 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
1:00 PM Opening Remarks
1:05 PM Is Combination Therapy Recommended for All High Risk Patients : When and Why Combination Therapy Is Needed?
Lecturer: Hyuck Jun Yoon
1:20 PM Discussion
1:30 PM The Benefit of High Intensity Atorvastatin/Ezetimine Combination Therapy in Coronary Risk Patients with Hypercholesterolemia
1:45 PM Discussion
1:50 PM Closing Remarks
Anti-Platelet Treatment Strategy for ACS Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from SANOFI Korea

Satellite Symposium

Anti-Platelet Treatment Strategy for ACS Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from SANOFI Korea

Thursday, April 22
2:00 PM ~ 2:54 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
2:00 PM Opening Remarks
Speaker: Kyoo-Rok Han
2:05 PM New P2Y12 Agent, Is It Enough ?
2:20 PM New Normal of SAPT : Aspirin Drop Era
Lecturer: Jung Ho Heo
2:35 PM Discussion
2:50 PM Closing Remarks
Speaker: Donghoon Choi
You Refuse to Compromise: We Couldn't Agree More

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Edwards Lifesciences Korea Co., Ltd.

Satellite Symposium

You Refuse to Compromise: We Couldn't Agree More

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Edwards Lifesciences Korea Co., Ltd.

Thursday, April 22
3:00 PM ~ 4:01 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
3:00 PM Delivering the Outcomes You Demand with SAPIEN 3
Lecturer: Jeehoon Kang
3:20 PM Focus on the Patient Outcomes that Truly Matter: Clinical Perspective Update
Lecturer: Rebecca Hahn
3:40 PM Discussion & Closing
Improving Patient Outcomes with Kidney Risk Management

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from GE Healthcare AS

Satellite Symposium

Improving Patient Outcomes with Kidney Risk Management

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from GE Healthcare AS

Thursday, April 22
4:05 PM ~ 4:55 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Duk-Woo Park
4:05 PM Indtroduction
Speaker: Duk-Woo Park
4:10 PM Representative Case Presentation: AKI After CAG or PCI
Lecturer: Ju Hyeon Kim
4:30 PM Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury at Cath Lab
4:50 PM Panel Discussion

Abstract Session


Abstract Session


Thursday, April 22
9:35 AM ~ 10:25 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
9:35 AM The Effect of Diuretics in the Atrial Septal Defect Size Reduction in Childhood
Abstract Presenter: Jue Seong Lee
9:45 AM A Retrospective Case Control Study on Head-to-head Comparison Between LAAO and NOAC in Asian Population: Efficacy of Stroke Prevention and Bleeding Risk
Abstract Presenter: Michael C. S. Chiang
9:55 AM A Rare Case of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy with Right Ventricular Clot and Its Potential Complications and Influence on the Timing of Insertion of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
Abstract Presenter: Choon Keong Tee
10:05 AM Incidence of Silent Ischemic Stroke After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Severe Aortic Stenosis in Thailand Using 3.0 Tesla MRI
Abstract Presenter: Numfon Sinchai
Live Chat Discussant(s): Chao Chien Chang, Dong-Kie Kim, Sun-Yang Min
¥³. Coronary 2

Abstract Session

¥³. Coronary 2

Thursday, April 22
10:30 AM ~ 11:36 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Kyoo-Rok Han, Linda Lison
10:30 AM Pre-dilation with a Scoring Balloon on Small Side Branch Occlusions During Long Coronary Stent Implantation
Abstract Presenter: Kenji Sadamatsu
10:40 AM Proper Application Time and Effect of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in the Patients Who Underwent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction with Cardiogenic Shock
Abstract Presenter: Dae Young Hyun
10:50 AM Urinary Alpha1-microglobulin as a Novel Predictor for In-hospital All-cause Mortality in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Abstract Presenter: Hehe Cui
11:00 AM Transradial Versus Transfemoral Access in STEMI Patients Undergoing Rescue Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Post Fibrinolytic Therapy: A 10-year Contemporary National Centre Experience
Abstract Presenter: Quah Wy Jin
11:10 AM Effects of Age and Sex on Outcomes After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients with Triple-Vessel Disease
Abstract Presenter: Tianyu Li
Live Chat Discussant(s): Samir Gautam, Hanbit Park, David Yong
V. Coronary 3

Abstract Session

V. Coronary 3

Thursday, April 22
11:40 AM ~ 12:38 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
11:40 AM Are Diabetic Patients with FFR Above 0.8 Really Safe?
Abstract Presenter: Kyu-Sun Lee
11:50 AM Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy by Each Resting Index - Comparision with FFR
Abstract Presenter: Nao Yasuda
12:00 PM Prognostic Impact of Residual SYNTAX Score After Successful Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Left Main Coronary Artery Bifurcational Stenosis
Abstract Presenter: Oyunkhand Buyankhishig
12:10 PM Non-hyperaemic Pressure Ratios Demonstrate Excellent Agreement with iFR in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis
Abstract Presenter: Jasmine Chan
12:20 PM Intra Vascular Ultrasound Guided Zero-contrast Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: Feasibility and Short-term Outcome
Abstract Presenter: Prathapkumar Natarajapillai

Case Session

¥². Complex PCI

Case Session

¥². Complex PCI

Thursday, April 22
12:45 PM ~ 1:42 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
12:45 PM Our Experience of Covered Stent Implantation for a Saphenous Vein Graft Peri-stent Contrast Staining
Case Presenter: Naoki Shibata
12:55 PM Left Main Artery Thrombus Treated with Drug Eluting Stent
Case Presenter: Ahmed Adel Shaheen
1:05 PM Culprit Confusion During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Do You Touch the Chronic Total Occlusion?
Case Presenter: Koon Wee Koay
1:15 PM Trans-Catheter Heart Valve Embolization
Case Presenter: Davinder Singh Chadha
1:25 PM Uncommon Jailed Wire Complication
Case Presenter: Wongsakorn Luangphiphat
1:35 PM Trans Catheter Aortic Valve Replacement in the Presence of Starr-Edward Prosthesis in Mitral Position Using Balloon Expandable Prosthesis- Technical Challenges
Case Presenter: Karthik Raghuram
Live Chat Discussant(s): Yunseok Choi, Gi Chang Kim
¥³. Complex PCI

Case Session

¥³. Complex PCI

Thursday, April 22
1:50 PM ~ 2:49 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
1:50 PM Blend of Conventional and Nonconventional Approach During Primary PCI of a Daunting Acute Inferior Wall MI: A Short Story
Case Presenter: Kunal Bikram Shaha
2:00 PM Stent Embolization Caused by Automated CPR Machine
Case Presenter: Phattaraphong Pheerawong
2:10 PM Complex Calcific Anomalous Right Coronary Artery PCI with Rotablation
Case Presenter: Siddhartha Mani
2:20 PM Transradial Carotid Artery Stenting Complicated with Neck Hematoma, Conservative is a Valid Option!
Case Presenter: Osama Shoeib
2:30 PM Drug Coated Balloon of Native Ostial Left Anterior Descending Artery
Case Presenter: Yee Sin Tey
2:40 PM Progressive Heart Block After Device Occlusion of Simple Atrial Septal Defect: A Case Report
Case Presenter: Quy Le Nguyen Phu
Live Chat Discussant(s): Wai Sun Choo, Juhwan Lee, Chang-Bum Park

Int'l Partnership Session


Int'l Partnership Session


Co-organized by TCT

Thursday, April 22
2:55 PM ~ 3:55 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)

What Was New at TCTConnect2020

2:55 PM Endovascular Trials and Science
Lecturer: Sahil A Parikh
3:08 PM Discussion
3:11 PM Coronary Trials and Science
Lecturer: Ajay J. Kirtane
3:20 PM Discussion
3:25 PM Imaging and Physiology Trials and Science
Lecturer: Akiko Maehara
3:31 PM Discussion
3:37 PM Structural Heart Disease Trials and Science
Lecturer: Tamim Nazif
3:49 PM Discussion

Int'l Partnership Session


Co-organized by CCT

Thursday, April 22
4:00 PM ~ 5:10 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)

Make It Smart! Challenge to the Complex Lesions

4:00 PM Tips and Tricks of Diamondback Coronary Orbital Atherectomy System: Indication and Management
Lecturer: Masaru Yamaki
4:15 PM How to Prevent Coronary Perforation: The Alerts of Angiogram and Imaging Devices
Lecturer: Maoto Habara
4:30 PM Indication and Limitation of Antegrade Dissection Reentry
4:50 PM Development of Angio-Guided Guidewire Navigation Software for CTO PCI
Lecturer: Kenya Nasu

Friday, April 23

TCTAP Awards 2021

Best Young Scientist Award

TCTAP Awards 2021

Best Young Scientist Award

Friday, April 23
9:00 AM ~ 9:07 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
9:00 AM Award Presentation
Speaker: Alan C. Yeung
9:00 AM
Award Recipient: Yi Xu

Hot Topics

I. Imaging & Physiology

Hot Topics

I. Imaging & Physiology

Friday, April 23
9:07 AM ~ 10:42 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)

Advances in Physiologic Indices

9:07 AM Angiography-derived Coronary Physiology
9:17 AM Role of Quantitative Flow Ratio in Guiding PCI
Lecturer: Bo Xu
9:27 AM Invasive Physiology in ACS Patient: Can We Believe It?
Lecturer: Joo Myung Lee
9:37 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

What Imaging Talks About the Vessel

9:52 AM Imaging Detection of Vulnerable Plaques at High Risk of Developing ACS
Lecturer: Takashi Kubo
10:02 AM Imaging for Patients with MINOCA: What Can We See?
Lecturer: Ik-Kyung Jang
10:12 AM Intravascular Imaging-Guided PCI: A Universal Approach for Optimization of Stent Implantation
Lecturer: Gary S. Mintz
10:22 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Eun-Seok Shin
Live Chat Discussant(s): Hoyoun Won, Hyoung-Mo Yang, Jinlong Zhang
II. LM & Bifurcation

Hot Topics

II. LM & Bifurcation

Friday, April 23
10:50 AM ~ 12:21 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)

Left Main and Multivessel PCI

10:50 AM Very Long-Term Outcomes of Left Main PCI: Pioneer Center's Experience
Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park
11:00 AM Left Main PCI vs. CABG: Form the Final EXCEL Outcomes to Patient Recommendations
Lecturer: Gregg W. Stone
11:10 AM Left Main PCI in 2020: Not So Controversial
11:20 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

Bifurcation PCI

11:35 AM 2021 Clinical Data and Consensus Documents Updates on Bifurcation PCI Techniques: What Are New?
11:45 AM Bifurcation PCI Optimization Using Intracoronary Guidance: Optimization Criteria and Supporting Clinical Data
Lecturer: Myeong-Ki Hong
11:55 AM Provisional Side Branch Stenting: The Big Misunderstanding
Lecturer: Thierry Lefevre
12:05 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Cheol Ung Choi, Ken Yokoyama

Hot Topics


Friday, April 23
12:25 PM ~ 1:56 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Toshiya Muramatsu

CTO-PCI: The Quest for Long-term Patency

12:25 PM Management of In-stent Chronic Total Occlusions
Lecturer: Kevin Croce
12:35 PM Beyond CTO - Management of the Distal Vessel
Lecturer: Scott Harding
12:45 PM Intraplaque vs. Extraplaque Tracking: Association with Procedural Outcomes
12:55 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

CTO-PCI: The Quest for Safety

1:10 PM Choice and Duration of Antithrombotics After CTO-PCI: Does It Matter?
Lecturer: Michael S. Lee
1:20 PM New Radiation Protocols to Reduce Radiation for Complex PCI
Lecturer: Gerald Werner
1:30 PM Perforation During CTO-PCI: Mechanism and Management
1:40 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Yuji Oikawa
IV. Antithrombotics

Hot Topics

IV. Antithrombotics

Friday, April 23
2:00 PM ~ 3:40 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)

Antithrombotic Trials Dilemma

2:00 PM Composite Outcomes and Net Adverse Events: Implications for Trial Design and Interpretation
2:10 PM TAVR Antithrombotics 2020: The Forest & The Trees... Still Unresolved Issues
2:20 PM PCI and AF Trials: Less Bleeding, but Neural Ischemic Events - Is It Justified for All-Comer PCI&AF Patients?
Lecturer: Renato D. Lopes
2:30 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

Racial Disparities for Antithrombotic Strategies

2:45 PM Antithrombotic Therapy in East Asian with ACS/PCI: Updated Evidences for East-Asian Paradox
Lecturer: Glenn Levine
2:55 PM "Less is More" in Antithrombotic Therapy After PCI: Clinically Relevant not only in East-Asian but also in Western Population
Lecturer: Takeshi Kimura
3:05 PM Potent P2Y12 Inhibitors for East-Asian Patients: Insights from the TWIGHLIGHT in Western vs. Asian Population
Lecturer: Roxana Mehran
3:15 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Sung-Ho Her, Soo-Joong Kim

CTO Theater

Live Case Session 1

CTO Theater

Live Case Session 1

Friday, April 23
9:07 AM ~ 10:07 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
9:07 AM Case #1: Klinikum Darmstadt GmbH, Germany
Operator(s): Gerald Werner
Live Chat Moderator(s): Young Rak Cho, Sang Hoon Kim
Live Case Session 2

CTO Theater

Live Case Session 2

Friday, April 23
10:15 AM ~ 11:17 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Pil Hyung Lee
10:15 AM Case #2: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Pil Hyung Lee
Live Chat Moderator(s): Jihun Ahn
Live Case Session 3

CTO Theater

Live Case Session 3

Friday, April 23
11:20 AM ~ 12:21 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Simon Lo, Sunao Nakamura
11:20 AM Case #3: Toyohashi Heart Center, Japan
Operator(s): Kenya Nasu, Seiji Kano
Live Chat Moderator(s): Sangmin Kim, Bong-Ki Lee

Coronary Theater

Live Case Session 1

Coronary Theater

Live Case Session 1

Friday, April 23
1:30 PM ~ 2:34 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
1:30 PM Case #1. Left Main: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Seung-Jung Park
2nd Operator: Do-Yoon Kang
1:30 PM Case #2. Left Main: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Duk-Woo Park
2nd Operator: Ju Hyeon Kim
Live Chat Moderator(s): Young Joon Hong
Live Case Session 2

Coronary Theater

Live Case Session 2

Friday, April 23
2:40 PM ~ 3:44 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
2:40 PM Case #3. Coronary - 1: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Duk-Woo Park
2:40 PM Case #4. Coronary - 2: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Do-Yoon Kang
Live Chat Moderator(s): Sang Don Park
Live Chat Discussant(s): Polpat Euswas, Hanbit Park, Cheng Chun Wei Wei

Satellite Symposium

Optimized Treatment for Complex PCI and Hypertension

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Medtronic Korea Ltd.

Satellite Symposium

Optimized Treatment for Complex PCI and Hypertension

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Medtronic Korea Ltd.

Friday, April 23
12:25 PM ~ 1:26 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Hyo-Soo Kim
12:25 PM Opening Remark
Speaker: Hyo-Soo Kim
12:30 PM The Onyx One RCT : Deep Dive into Recent Data, Subset Analysis Relevance to My Clinical Practice
Lecturer: Jeehoon Kang
12:40 PM Learn from Practice : Optimal PCI Treatment for HBR Patients
Lecturer: Wonjae Lee
12:50 PM Step-by-Step Approach for Complex Bifurcation Treatment
Lecturer: Chang-Wook Nam
1:00 PM RDN Clinical Update: OFF MED & GSR Subgroups
Lecturer: Tzung-Dau Wang
1:10 PM Q & A
1:22 PM Closing Remark
Speaker: Hyo-Soo Kim
Understand Mitral Regurgitation and MitraClip therapy

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Abbott

Satellite Symposium

Understand Mitral Regurgitation and MitraClip therapy

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Abbott

Friday, April 23
3:45 PM ~ 4:41 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Jung-Sun Kim
3:45 PM Opening
Speaker: Jung-Sun Kim
3:48 PM ACC/AHA New Guideline Update for Mitral Regurgitation
Lecturer: Dae-Hee Kim
4:03 PM MitraClip Case Presentation (A to Z)
Lecturer: Do-Yoon Kang
4:18 PM MitraClip G4 Overview and Case Presentation
Lecturer: Takao Morikawa
4:33 PM Q & A
New Treatment Strategy for Atherosclerosis in High Risk Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Daewoong CO.,LTD.

Satellite Symposium

New Treatment Strategy for Atherosclerosis in High Risk Patients

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Daewoong CO.,LTD.

Friday, April 23
3:50 PM ~ 4:50 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Donghoon Choi
3:50 PM Opening Remarks
Speaker: Donghoon Choi
3:55 PM What Is Your Choice for Adherance Hypertensive Patients with Dyslipidemia?
Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park
4:15 PM Earlier Is Better & Combination Is Better
Lecturer: Hwan-Cheol Park
4:35 PM Discussion with Q & A
New Insights with Drug Eluting Technologies for Lower Extremity Endovascular Treatment

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Boston Scientific

Satellite Symposium

New Insights with Drug Eluting Technologies for Lower Extremity Endovascular Treatment

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Boston Scientific

Friday, April 23
4:45 PM ~ 5:45 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Osamu Iida, Young-Guk Ko
4:45 PM Welcome Remark
Speaker: Young-Guk Ko
4:50 PM Does DCBs' Drug Dosage Matter?: New Insights from COMPARE 2-Year (Low-Dose vs. High-Dose DCB)
Lecturer: Yoshimitsu Soga
5:10 PM Discussion
5:15 PM Eluvia DES for Femoropopliteal Lesion: New Insights from Initial Treatment Outcomes
Lecturer: Chul-Min Ahn
5:35 PM Closing Remark
Speaker: Osamu Iida
5:40 PM Discussion
How to Use PCSK9 Inhibitor for Secondary Prevention After ACS

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Amgen Korea

Satellite Symposium

How to Use PCSK9 Inhibitor for Secondary Prevention After ACS

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Amgen Korea

Friday, April 23
4:55 PM ~ 5:57 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Duk-Woo Park
Panelist(s): Do-Yoon Kang, Osung Kwon
4:55 PM Recent Update in Lipid Management for ACS Patients
Lecturer: Hyunjong Lee
5:10 PM Patient Outcomes in Long-Term LDL-C Management: Role of Imaging, Protocols and Guidelines
5:25 PM PCSK9 in Patients with Recent ACS
Lecturer: Yi Zhang
5:40 PM Panel Discussion

Featured Clinical Research from Abstracts

Late-Breaking Clinical Trials Session

Featured Clinical Research from Abstracts

Late-Breaking Clinical Trials Session

Friday, April 23
9:07 AM ~ 9:52 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Charles Chan, Ron Waksman
9:07 AM Prosthesis Geometrical Predictors of Leaflet Thrombosis following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement with Intra-annular Prostheses
Abstract Presenter: Hashrul Rashid
9:22 AM Limitation of Angiographic Parameters in Predicting Residual Ischemia After Drug-eluting Stent Implantation
Abstract Presenter: Jaewook Chung
9:37 AM Optimal Strategy for Antiplatelet Therapy after Coronary Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation in High-Risk "TWILIGHT-like" Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Abstract Presenter: Haoyu Wang
Live Chat Moderator(s): Seok-Jae Hwang
Live Chat Discussant(s): Hyo Seung Ahn, Hanbit Park

Case Session

¥´. Complex PCI

Case Session

¥´. Complex PCI

Friday, April 23
10:00 AM ~ 11:06 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Peter Barlis, Jae-Hwan Lee
10:00 AM Chase the Leak - A Case of Valve-in-Ring with Mitral PVL Closure
Case Presenter: Kent, Chak Yu So
10:10 AM Was It Compatible with Life? - The Death Combo of Triple CTO and EF 15%
Case Presenter: Ka Hei Ho
10:20 AM Efficacy of Serial BPA in an Octogenarian with Severe CTEPH and Right Heart Failure
Case Presenter: Hsinyu Tseng
10:30 AM Waiting for a Healing: PCI to Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Under Intravascular Ultrasound Guidance
Case Presenter: Nay Thu Win
10:40 AM Kissing "Y" Stents to Exclude a Large Right Common Carotid Artery Aneurysm in a Case of Takayasu Arteritis
Case Presenter: Gopal Ghosh
10:50 AM Role of Echocardiography Where Life is on the Rope©
Case Presenter: Chayan Singha
Live Chat Discussant(s): Yeong Jin Jeong, Hanbit Park
¥µ. Complex PCI

Case Session

¥µ. Complex PCI

Friday, April 23
11:10 AM ~ 12:15 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
11:10 AM Can Aortic Cusp Dissection Be Managed Conservatively?
Case Presenter: Mohamed Ramadan
11:20 AM CRT-D Implantation from a Persistent Left Sided Superior Vena Cava
Case Presenter: Siddhartha Mani
11:30 AM Make Heaven Out of Hell
Case Presenter: Afrah Yousif Haroon
11:40 AM Coronary Artery Perforation
Case Presenter: Viroj Muangsillapasart
11:50 AM Left Main Equivalent Bifurcation Stenting of Saphenous Venous Graft Lesion in a Patient with a Previous Rare Saphenous Venous Graft Intervention
Case Presenter: Harinder K. Bali
12:00 PM The Danger at the End of CTO Intervention: How to Manage the Septal Perforation
Case Presenter: Tung Bui Nguyen
Live Chat Discussant(s): Hong Nyun Kim, Nobuhito Yagi
¥¶. Complex PCI

Case Session

¥¶. Complex PCI

Friday, April 23
12:20 PM ~ 1:12 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
12:20 PM Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of a ¡°Disappeared¡± Right Coronary Artery Caused Due to Iatrogenic Coronary Artery Dissection(ICAD): Importance of over the Wire Balloon System
Case Presenter: Satej Sadashiv Janorkar
12:30 PM Calcified Descending Aortic Dissection During TAVI
Case Presenter: Faizal Khan Abdullah
12:40 PM Rescuing Occluded Side Branch During CTO PCI: The Role of Jailed Balloon Technique
Case Presenter: Nanda Iryuza
12:50 PM PTA of CTO of Subclavian Artery: Radial and Femoral Route
Case Presenter: Punish Sadana
1:00 PM The Poseidon Trident
Case Presenter: Abdul Ariff
Live Chat Discussant(s): Chan Joon Kim, Wonho Kim

Int'l Partnership Session


Int'l Partnership Session


Co-organized by ISIC

Friday, April 23
1:20 PM ~ 2:29 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)

Challenging Cardiovascular Intervention Cases from Indonesia

1:20 PM Stumbles PCI CTO LAD (Retrograde Approach)
1:28 PM Discussion
1:32 PM Totally Occluded SFA With Calcified Distal Segment: Endovascular Treatment
Lecturer: Suko Adiarto
1:40 PM Discussion
1:44 PM OCT Guided PCI in Complex Instent Restenosis
1:52 PM Discussion
1:56 PM Rotational Atherectomy in Heavily Coronary Calcified Lesion with Aneurysm
Lecturer: Sodiqur Rifqi
2:04 PM Discussion
2:08 PM ISR in Non LM Bifurcation Lesion, Stent or Not to Stent?
Lecturer: Az Hafid Nashar
2:16 PM Discussion

Int'l Partnership Session


Co-organized by CIAT

Friday, April 23
2:35 PM ~ 3:36 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)

CHIP with Limited Resources: Life Without Fancy Devices

2:35 PM Opening Remarks
2:38 PM Mechanical Circulatory Support in Thailand: What Are Our Options?
2:53 PM Life Without Rotational Atherectomy
3:06 PM Heavily Calcified Lesions with Poor LVEF: Go on or Give up?
3:19 PM High Risk PCI of LM Bifurcation with Poor LVEF
Lecturer: Thanawat Suesat
3:32 PM Closing

KCTA Symposium: Allied Professionals Session

Part I: Featured Lectures

KCTA Symposium: Allied Professionals Session

Part I: Featured Lectures

Co-organized by Korean Cardiovascular Technology Association

Friday, April 23
3:40 PM ~ 4:46 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
3:40 PM Physiological Assessment for Post PCI : Can We Measure Post-PCI FFR?
Lecturer: Do Hyung Lim
3:55 PM What is the Best Physiological Assessment Tool?: FFR vs. IFR vs. QFR
Lecturer: Sang Man Park
4:10 PM Post-PCI iFR Assessment: Insights from DEFINE-PCI Trial
4:25 PM Q & A with Discussion
Part II: Valve & Clip

KCTA Symposium: Allied Professionals Session

Part II: Valve & Clip

Co-organized by Korean Cardiovascular Technology Association

Friday, April 23
4:46 PM ~ 5:50 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
4:46 PM Optimal Deployment Projection of TAVAR
Lecturer: Seung Yong Lee
5:01 PM Q & A
5:06 PM TAVI for Bicuspid Valve
Lecturer: Dong Jun LEE
5:21 PM Q & A
5:26 PM What Should We Care About During the MitraClip Procedure?
Lecturer: Geon Je Lee
5:41 PM Q & A
Part III: KCTA Nursing Session

KCTA Symposium: Allied Professionals Session

Part III: KCTA Nursing Session

Co-organized by Korean Cardiovascular Technology Association

Friday, April 23
5:50 PM ~ 6:48 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Min Suk Lee, Eun Shim Park
5:50 PM Interpretation of Coronary Angiography
Lecturer: Euiyoung Ko
6:05 PM ECG Changes in Coronary Artery Disease
Lecturer: Soo Jin Kim
6:20 PM Pharmacotherapy in AAA Patients: Mechanism of Action
Lecturer: Tae Woo Kim
6:35 PM Q & A with Discussion

Saturday, April 24

Hot Topics

V. Valves

Hot Topics

V. Valves

Saturday, April 24
9:00 AM ~ 10:45 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)

Issues in TAVR 2021

9:00 AM TAVR for Sixties: Consideration for TAVR in Younger Patients
Lecturer: Susheel Kodali
9:10 AM Is TAVI Ready for Young Patients? Surgeon's Perspective
Lecturer: Jian (James) Ye
9:20 AM Optimal Antithrombotics After TAVR: GALILEO, POPULAR-TAVI, ATLANTIS, and ADAPT-TAVR Trials
Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park
9:30 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

The Future of the Valve Intervention

9:45 AM Valve-in-Valve - A Surgeon's Perspective
Lecturer: Vinayak Bapat
9:55 AM Future Journey of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Interventions
10:05 AM Tricuspid Valve Interventions: Where We Are?
Lecturer: Horst Sievert
10:15 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Chi Yuen Wong
Live Chat Discussant(s): Hashrul Rashid, Ivan Man Ho Wong
VI. Endovascular

Hot Topics

VI. Endovascular

Saturday, April 24
10:50 AM ~ 12:23 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Mark W. Burket

Drug-coated Balloons; Update in 2021

10:50 AM Paclitaxel and Mortality in PAD; The Latest Update
Lecturer: Thomas Zeller
11:00 AM DCB Therapy in FP Disease: What's the Latest?
11:10 AM Evidence of DCB Treatment for Infrapopliteal Disease
Lecturer: William A. Gray
11:20 AM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A

Vessel Preparation for Complex FP Lesions

11:35 AM Non-Atherectomy Strategies for Vessel Preparation in Complex FP Disease
Lecturer: Hiroshi Ando
11:45 AM Orbital Atherectomy in FP Lesions: Advantages and Limitations
Lecturer: Michael S. Lee
11:55 AM Atherectomy at Subintimal Space in Lower Limb Intervention: Is There a Role?
Lecturer: Chung-Ho Hsu
12:05 PM Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A
Live Chat Moderator(s): Jae Hyoung Park

Mitral Valve Theater

Live Case Session 1

Mitral Valve Theater

Live Case Session 1

Saturday, April 24
9:00 AM ~ 10:00 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Takashi Matsumoto
9:00 AM Case #1: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Do-Yoon Kang
9:00 AM Case #1: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Echo Interpreter: Dae-Hee Kim
Live Chat Moderator(s): Adrian Cheong
Live Case Session 2

Mitral Valve Theater

Live Case Session 2

Saturday, April 24
10:10 AM ~ 11:10 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
10:10 AM Case #2: University Hospital, Bonn, Germany
10:10 AM Case #2: University Hospital, Bonn, Germany
Echo Interpreter: Marcel Weber
Live Chat Moderator(s): Deepak Ameta, Tsutomu Murakami
Live Case Session 3

Mitral Valve Theater

Live Case Session 3

Saturday, April 24
11:20 AM ~ 12:20 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Jung-Sun Kim
11:20 AM Case #3: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
1st Operator: Do-Yoon Kang
11:20 AM Case #3: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Echo Interpreter: Dae-Hee Kim
Live Chat Moderator(s): Wei-Hsian Yin

Satellite Symposium

Impact of Statins on CV Outcomes : It`s a Matter of Life and Death

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Viatris

Satellite Symposium

Impact of Statins on CV Outcomes : It`s a Matter of Life and Death

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Viatris

Saturday, April 24
12:30 PM ~ 1:31 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Doo Soo Jeon, Moo Hyun Kim
Panelist(s): Hyo-Suk Ahn
12:30 PM Opening Remark
Speaker: Doo Soo Jeon
12:35 PM Optimal Timing of High Intensity Statin in Patients with ACS
Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park
12:50 PM Discussion
1:00 PM Lower for Longer: Important to Achieve LDL-C Target Focus on Cardiovascular Disease
Lecturer: Kyung-Hee Kim
1:15 PM Discussion
1:25 PM Closing Remark
Speaker: Moo Hyun Kim
LEADING THE WAY in Negotiating Complex Lesions

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from India Medtronic Pvt. Ltd.

Satellite Symposium

LEADING THE WAY in Negotiating Complex Lesions

Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from India Medtronic Pvt. Ltd.

Saturday, April 24
12:30 PM ~ 1:30 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
12:30 PM Session Objective
12:33 PM Live Case Demonstration
12:58 PM Case 1- Negotiating in Extreme Tortuous Vessel
1:08 PM Case 2- Negotiating in Diffuse Distal Vessel
Lecturer: Mandar M Shah
1:18 PM Case 3 - Negotiating in Calcified Lesion
1:28 PM Summary & Closing
Speaker: Viveka Kumar

Abstract Session

¥µ. Other

Abstract Session

¥µ. Other

Saturday, April 24
9:00 AM ~ 9:49 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Doni Firman, Teguh Santoso
9:00 AM Angiographic Complete Revascularization Versus Incomplete Revascularization in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Abstract Presenter: Doyeon Hwang
9:10 AM Severe Hypoglycemia in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Unmasked Significant Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease: A Matched Case-control Study
9:20 AM Prevalence of High Bleeding Risk Patients According to the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR) Criteria and the Incidence of Bleeding Outcomes in South-east Asian Patients Who Received Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Single-center Retrospective Study
Abstract Presenter: Pannipa Suwannasom
9:30 AM Five-year Clinical Outcomes of Successful Recanalisation for Coronary Chronic Total Occlusions in Patients with Versus Without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Abstract Presenter: Peizhi Wang

Case Session

¥·. Complex PCI

Case Session

¥·. Complex PCI

Saturday, April 24
9:55 AM ~ 10:59 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
9:55 AM A Case of Left Iliac Vein Total Occlusion Complicated with Stuck and Fracture Stent
Case Presenter: Cheng Chun Wei Wei
10:05 AM Echonavigator - Hybrid Visualisation Modality for Atrioseptostomia with the Modified Stent in Patient with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension
Case Presenter: Igor V. Buzaev
10:15 AM Iatrogenic Retrograde Coronary Aortic Dissection During Coronary Intervention: Rare But Life-threatening
Case Presenter: Ramachandran Sathappan
10:25 AM How to Treat Recurrent Angina with Previous CABG and 17 PCIs
10:35 AM Longitudinal Stent Deformation Caused by Optical Coherence Tomography Pullback in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Case Presenter: Ting-Wei Kao
10:45 AM Double Jeopardy with Guide-induced Left Main Coronary Dissection and Radial Perforation with Successful BAT Technique and Reverse Culotte Stenting
Case Presenter: Wongwaris Aphijirawat
Live Chat Discussant(s): Suk-Won Choi, Do Hoi Kim
¥¸. Complex PCI

Case Session

¥¸. Complex PCI

Saturday, April 24
11:05 AM ~ 12:21 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
11:05 AM How Do You Manage It?
Case Presenter: Tsuda Takuma
11:15 AM Embolization of the Arteries of the Lower Jaw with Massive Bleeding from the Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
Case Presenter: Igor Dmitriev
11:25 AM Post Myocardial Infarction Ventricular Septal Rupture with Heart Failure Treated Successfully with Transcatheter Device Closure
Case Presenter: Keshavamurthy G
11:35 AM Big and Stubborn: Persistent Intracoronary Thrombus
Case Presenter: Hoong Sheng Loh
11:45 AM Peripheral Angioplasty for Gangrenous Left Ring Finger with Septicaemia
Case Presenter: Sridhar Kasturi
11:55 AM Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Complicating ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Young Women: To Stent or Not To Stent
Case Presenter: Safir Sungkar
Live Chat Discussant(s): Seong Il Choi, Daitaro Kanno
¥¹. Complex PCI

Case Session

¥¹. Complex PCI

Saturday, April 24
12:25 PM ~ 1:24 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
12:25 PM Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Calcified CTO RCA in a Symptomatic Elderly Patient
12:35 PM Hold on! - When Filters are a Must But Deployment a Must Not
Case Presenter: Donna Shu-Han Lin
12:45 PM Complication - Post PCI in a Case of LAD Calcified Lesion
Case Presenter: Manotosh Panja
12:55 PM Closure of an Iatrogenic RVOT Injury by Amplatzer Vascular Plug
Case Presenter: Hsu Chung Lo
1:05 PM Midnight Culotte Adventure
Case Presenter: Ahmed Rashad
Live Chat Discussant(s): Je Sang Kim