Thursday, April 24
TCTAP Workshops
Management of Ischemic Heart Disease 2025: ISCHEMIA Trial Has Been a Major Inescapable Turning Point
TCTAP Workshops
Management of Ischemic Heart Disease 2025: ISCHEMIA Trial Has Been a Major Inescapable Turning Point
Thursday, April 24
8:10 AM ~ 9:50 AM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Coronary Theater, Level 1
Moderator(s): Seung-Jung Park, Gregg W. Stone
Panelist(s): Youngkeun Ahn, Wai Sun Choo, Myeong-Ki Hong, Fahim Haider Jafary, Ho Lam, Mamas Mamas, Yoshinobu Murasato, Bruno Scheller, Imad Sheiban, Alan C. Yeung
8:10 AM | Left Main and Multi-Vessel Disease Revascularization: Updated Guideline and Beyond 2025 Lecturer: Sripal Bangalore |
8:18 AM | A Novel Ongoing Trial of PCI vs. CABG: RECHARGE Lecturer: Gregg W. Stone |
8:26 AM | DM and Three-Vessel Disease: Why We Need New RCTS- DEFINE-DM Trial Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park |
8:34 AM | Future Role of Intracoronary Physiology: Beyond FAME Series Lecturer: Nico Pijls |
8:42 AM | Unmet Need for FFR in Left Main PCI: FATE-MAIN Trial Lecturer: Jung-Min Ahn |
8:50 AM | Panel Discussion I |
Master's Opinion - Debate: OMT vs. Surgery for Multi-Vessel Disease in CCS
9:00 AM | OMT First Lecturer: Sripal Bangalore |
9:08 AM | Surgery Is Still Standard Lecturer: David Paul Taggart |
9:16 AM | Panel Discussion II |
Master's Key Case and Review
9:24 AM | Case 1. DCB Treatment in Left Main & Multi-Vessel In-Stent Restenosis Lecturer: Bruno Scheller |
9:32 AM | Case 2. Multi-Vessel PCI in Acute Coronary Syndromes: Decision-Making With FFR or Intracoronary Imaging Lecturer: Shamir R. Mehta |
9:40 AM | Panel Discussion III |
Coronary DES and DCB
TCTAP Workshops
Coronary DES and DCB
Thursday, April 24
4:50 PM ~ 6:10 PM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Coronary Theater, Level 1
Moderator(s): Jacques J. Koolen, Bruno Scheller
Panelist(s): Alaide Chieffo, Ae-Young Her, Alfonso Ielasi, Dong Oh Kang, Dharmaraj Karthikesan, Kyusup Lee, Gaku Nakazawa, Rajinikanth Rajagopal, Eun-Seok Shin, Simon Walsh
4:50 PM | DES Bioengineering: Bioadaptor and RCTs Lecturer: Adnan Kastrati |
4:58 PM | Are DEB the Solution for All Patients? Lesions? Lecturer: Bruno Scheller |
5:06 PM | Tackling the Complexity by Combining DES and DCBs Lecturer: Luca Testa |
5:14 PM | Sirolimus-Coated Balloon With Nanolute Technology: Evidence From the Preclinical Data Lecturer: Aloke V. Finn |
5:22 PM | Panel Discussion I |
5:34 PM | Where and How DCB Will Replace DES Lecturer: Antonio Colombo |
5:42 PM | Imaging-Guided DCB Treatment: Evidence From RCTs Lecturer: Junjie Zhang |
5:50 PM | From ISR to De Novo Lesions: Keys to Success in Patient Selection for PCI With DCBs Lecturer: Sandeep Basavarajaiah |
5:58 PM | Panel Discussion II |
TAVR: Key Issues in 2025
TCTAP Workshops
TAVR: Key Issues in 2025
Thursday, April 24
8:10 AM ~ 9:50 AM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Valve & Endovascular Theater, Level 1
Moderator(s): Eberhard Grube, Martin Bert Leon
Panelist(s): Wacin Buddhari, Junbo Ge, Philippe Genereux, Juan F. Granada, Byung-Hee Hwang, Alfonso Ielasi, Hyo-Soo Kim, Alexandra J. Lansky, Karl Poon, Jian'an Wang
8:10 AM | Innovation in TAVR- What Can We Expect for the Next Decade? Lecturer: Martin Bert Leon |
8:18 AM | TAVR for Asymptomatic Severe AS: The EARLY TAVR Trial Lecturer: Philippe Genereux |
8:26 AM | TAVR for Moderate AS and Heart Failure: The TAVR UNLOAD Trial Lecturer: David Joel Cohen |
8:34 AM | Updated Approval RCTs for Novel TAVR Devices: The ACURATE IDE Trial and More Lecturer: Philippe Garot |
8:42 AM | Panel Discussion I |
8:50 AM | MRI Surrogate Endpoints in TAVR Trials: Is It Clinically Relevant? Lecturer: Alexandra J. Lansky |
8:58 AM | Non-Femoral TAVR Approach: What Are Best? Lecturer: Ho Jin Kim |
9:06 AM | Redo-TAVR From Planning to Execution: Tips and Tricks Lecturer: Gilbert H. L. Tang |
9:14 AM | Contemporary Optimal Antiplatelet Therapy in TAVR: No More Debates? Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park |
9:22 AM | Panel Discussion II |
Debate 2025: Use of Cerebral Embolic Protection in Contemporary TAVR Practice
9:30 AM | Yes: We Have Strong Evidence Lecturer: Samir R. Kapadia |
9:38 AM | Not Yet: Futility for Stroke Events Lecturer: David Joel Cohen |
9:46 AM | Panel Discussion III |
Mitral and Tricuspid Intervention
TCTAP Workshops
Mitral and Tricuspid Intervention
Thursday, April 24
4:30 PM ~ 6:00 PM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Valve & Endovascular Theater, Level 1
Moderator(s): Jung-Sun Kim, Shih-Hsien Sung
Panelist(s): Paul TL Chiam, Dae-Hee Kim, Shunsuke Kubo, Cheung Chi Simon Lam, Shui Lin, Krissada Meemook, Amin Ariff Nuruddin, Sung-Ji Park, Shinichi Shirai, Chi Yuen Wong
4:30 PM | The Updates of the Mitral TEER in Seconary MR Lecturer: Jung-Sun Kim |
4:38 PM | TEER in Moderate/Severe SMR : Deep-Dive Into Reshape-HF2 Trial Lecturer: Wojciech Wojakowski |
4:46 PM | Optimizing TEER Through Comprehensive Hemodynamic Assessment Lecturer: Shih-Hsien Sung |
4:54 PM | Is MitraClip G4 Good for Asian Patients? Insight From EXPAND G4 Study Lecturer: Takao Morikawa |
5:02 PM | AMC Data of Mitral TEER Lecturer: Do-Yoon Kang |
5:10 PM | Panel Discussion I |
5:18 PM | What Is the Best Treatment for Isolated TR? Lecturer: Dae-Hee Kim |
5:26 PM | TTEER or TTVR - How to Decide? Lecturer: Samir R. Kapadia |
5:34 PM | Optimizing Procedural Workflow in Tricuspid TEER and TTVR: the Value of Fluoro, Echo MPR and 3D ICE Lecturer: Gilbert H. L. Tang |
5:42 PM | Tricuspid Repair and Replacement Technologies on the Horizon Lecturer: Horst Sievert |
5:50 PM | Panel Discussion II |
Imaging & Physiology I: Current Status and Future Perspective
Live Streaming
TCTAP Workshops
Imaging & Physiology I: Current Status and Future Perspective
Thursday, April 24
8:10 AM ~ 9:25 AM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Room 1, Level 1
Moderator(s): Bon-Kwon Koo, Gary S. Mintz
Panelist(s): Jung-Joon Cha, Chee Yang Chin, Carlos Collet, William F. Fearon, Joo-Yong Hahn, Niels Ramsing Holm, Takashi Kubo, Hoyoun Won
8:10 AM | 30 Years Intracoronary Imaging: Milestones and Lessons Learned Lecturer: Eveline Regar |
8:18 AM | Intravascular Imaging Predictor Associated With TLF After Complex PCI Lecturer: Joo-Yong Hahn |
8:26 AM | Imaging Criteria for Determining LM Bifucation Strategy and Opimizing Stenting Lecturer: Jung-Min Ahn |
8:34 AM | Chronic Stent Recoil: An Emerging Mechanism of In-Stent Restenosis Lecturer: Akiko Maehara |
8:42 AM | Imaging Outcomes From Meta-Analsyis, ILUMIEN IV and ECLIPSE Lecturer: Gregg W. Stone |
8:50 AM | Panel Discussion l |
9:00 AM | CT Based Coronary Physiology in Pactice - Update in 2025 Lecturer: William F. Fearon |
9:08 AM | Photon Counting CT - Next Game Changer in Coronary Imaging? Lecturer: Ziad A. Ali |
9:16 AM | Panel Discussion ll |
Imaging & Physiology II: Insights From Recent Data
Live Streaming
TCTAP Workshops
Imaging & Physiology II: Insights From Recent Data
Thursday, April 24
3:10 PM ~ 4:30 PM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Room 1, Level 1
Moderator(s): Javier Escaned, Nico Pijls
Panelist(s): Nils Johnson, Tomoko Kobayashi, Patrick Zhan Yun Lim, Chang-Wook Nam, Jae Hyoung Park, Eveline Regar, Wojciech Wojakowski
3:10 PM | Artifacts When Interpreting Intracoronary Pressure Tracings(Interactive Quiz!) Lecturer: Nils Johnson |
3:18 PM | Contrasting Prognositc Value of Discordance Between FFR and NHPR Lecturer: Jung-Min Ahn |
3:26 PM | Long-Term Follow-Up and Other Key Sub-Study of the FAME 3 Trial Lecturer: William F. Fearon |
3:34 PM | Panel Discussion l |
3:46 PM | Do We Really Need the Wire? Advances in CT-FFR and Angio-FFR/iFR Lecturer: Hitoshi Matsuo |
3:54 PM | Coronary Angiography Based FFR: Insights From FAVOR III Europe Lecturer: Niels Ramsing Holm |
4:02 PM | Pressure Pullback Gradient(PPG) to Personalize PCI: The PPG Global Registry Lecturer: Carlos Collet |
4:10 PM | Coronary Computational Physiology: Current and Future Perspective Lecturer: Shengxian Tu |
4:18 PM | Panel Discussion ll |
Aorta and Peripheral Artery Disease
TCTAP Workshops
Aorta and Peripheral Artery Disease
Thursday, April 24
8:10 AM ~ 9:40 AM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Room 2, Level 1
Moderator(s): Donghoon Choi, Horst Sievert
Panelist(s): Woo-Young Chung, Chung-Ho Hsu, Taeoh Kim, Chang Hoon Lee, Michael S. Lee, Sang-Su Lee, Markz Sinurat, Hiroyoshi Yokoi
8:10 AM | How New High Risk Category Has Changed the Management of Aortic Dissection Lecturer: Joseph Lombardi |
8:18 AM | Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Type B Aortic Dissection With Dissecting Aneurysm Lecturer: Han Cheol Lee |
8:26 AM | Clinical Outcomes of Transradial vs. Nontransradial Aortoiliac Endovascular Therapy Lecturer: Hiroyoshi Yokoi |
8:34 AM | Predictors of Late Adverse Events in Patients With Surgically Treated Aortic Dissection Lecturer: Hyun Jung Koo |
8:42 AM | Panel Discussion I |
8:55 AM | What is New for BTK Therapies? Lecturer: Lawrence A. Garcia |
9:03 AM | The Fundamental Differences Between Large Artery Involvement and Small Vessel Disease in Critical Limb-Threatening Ischemia Lecturer: Gian Battista Danzi |
9:11 AM | ECMO-Related Acute Limb Ischemia: Prevention and Management Lecturer: Chul-Min Ahn |
9:19 AM | Efficacy and Safety of Paclitaxel DCBs: All the Same or Different? Lecturer: Jung-Kyu Han |
9:27 AM | Panel Discussion II |
Best and Novel Medical Therapy in Interventional Cardiology: What Are New in 2025?
TCTAP Workshops
Best and Novel Medical Therapy in Interventional Cardiology: What Are New in 2025?
Thursday, April 24
3:30 PM ~ 5:00 PM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Room 2, Level 1
Moderator(s): David Joel Cohen, Roxana Mehran
Panelist(s): Junya Ako, Joo-Yong Hahn, Sung-Jin Hong, Young-Hoon Jeong, Hyo-Soo Kim, Michael Kang-Yin Lee, Tullio Palmerini, Kyung Woo Park
3:30 PM | What Are Best Contemporary GDMT in High-Risk CAD Patients: Best Thoughs From ISCHEMIA Key Investigator Lecturer: Sripal Bangalore |
3:38 PM | Most Updated Perioperative Antiplatelet Strategy Post-PCI: ASSURE-DES and More Lecturer: Jung-Min Ahn |
3:46 PM | Antithrombotic Therapy for AF and CAD: EPIC-CAD Trial and More Lecturer: Min Soo Cho |
3:54 PM | Next Novel Antithrombotic Agents in ACS/PCI: Factor XIa Inhibitor and More Lecturer: Davide Capodanno |
4:02 PM | Panel Discussion I |
4:15 PM | Residual Inflammatory Risk Management in ACS/PCI: Novel IL-6 Inhibitor Lecturer: Kevin Bainey |
4:23 PM | Most Updated Antithrombotic Strategy in TAVR Lecturer: Philippe Garot |
4:31 PM | Post-TAVR Novel Medical Therapy: Role of SGLT2 Inhibitor and ENAVO-TAVR Trial Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park |
4:39 PM | Novel Lipoprotein (a) Inhibitor in ACS/PCI Lecturer: Davide Capodanno |
4:47 PM | Panel Discussion II |
CTO Technical Forum: Learn From Masters
TCTAP Workshops
CTO Technical Forum: Learn From Masters
Thursday, April 24
8:10 AM ~ 9:40 AM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Room 203, Level 2
Moderator(s): Scott Harding, Byeong-Keuk Kim
Panelist(s): Yuji Hamazaki, Dong-Bin Kim, Feng Yu Kuo, Nae Hee Lee, Kenya Nasu, Jon Suh, Li Wah Tam, Eugene Brian Wu
8:10 AM | Lessons From Long-Term Follow-Up of EuroCTO Randomized Trial Lecturer: Gerald Werner |
8:18 AM | My Class I and III Indications for CTO PCI Lecturer: Kenya Nasu |
8:26 AM | Safety Issue in CTO PCI and Trouble Shooting - Global Consensus Lecturer: Eugene Brian Wu |
8:34 AM | Invasive or Conservative for Patients With CTO: Insights From ISCHEMIA Lecturer: Sripal Bangalore |
8:42 AM | Panel Discussion l |
Optimizing CTO PCI
8:55 AM | CT and Angiographic Pre-Planning for Successful PCI Lecturer: Byeong-Keuk Kim |
9:03 AM | IVUS Guided CTO PCI - Wiring and Stent Optimization Lecturer: Scott Harding |
9:11 AM | TBD Lecturer: Satoru Otsuji |
9:19 AM | "Stentless" CTO PCI - The Role of DEB Lecturer: Eun-Seok Shin |
9:27 AM | Panel Discussion ll |
Complex PCI: Challenges and Advanced Techniques
TCTAP Workshops
Complex PCI: Challenges and Advanced Techniques
Thursday, April 24
4:00 PM ~ 5:30 PM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Room 203, Level 2
Moderator(s): Antonio Colombo, Giulio Guagliumi
Panelist(s): Jae Seok Bae, Kam Tim Chan, Ki Hong Choi, James Flaherty, Jeehoon Kang, Li Wah Tam, Hyuck Jun Yoon, Junjie Zhang
4:00 PM | When Is the Proper Time for Complex PCI? Lecturer: Kefei Dou |
4:08 PM | Evolution of Calcified Plaque Lecturer: Akiko Maehara |
4:16 PM | OCT vs. Angiography in Severely Calcified Vessels Lecturer: Ziad A. Ali |
4:24 PM | EMPOWER CAD Registry Update: Treatment of Calcified Lesions in Women Lecturer: Alexandra J. Lansky |
4:32 PM | Panel Discussion I |
4:45 PM | Atherectomy in Calcified Coronary Disease: Evidence-Based Devices Lecturer: Kevin Bainey |
4:53 PM | Shockwave IVL: Real-World Application Lecturer: Vincent On-Hing Kwok |
5:01 PM | Impella Support During High-Risk PCI: PROTECT IV Lecturer: Gregg W. Stone |
5:09 PM | Peri-PCI Hemodynamic Support: Strategies for Optimal Outcomes Lecturer: Amirali Masoumi |
5:17 PM | Panel Discussion II |
This program is subject to change without notice.