[Hot Topics] Intracoronary Imaging: New Insights

April 26, 2024 / 8:30 AM ~ 9:29 AM 📌 Presentation Room 1, Level 1

Moderator(s): Myeong-Ki Hong, Gary S. Mintz
Panelist(s): Jung-Min Ahn, Takashi Akasaka, So-Yeon Choi, Joo-Yong Hahn, Takashi Kubo, Shamir R. Mehta, Yoshinobu Onuma

  • Long Journey of Imaging-guided PCI: Why We Need It?
    Myeong-Ki Hong
  • Time to Adopt Intracoronary Imaging in Your Cath Lab: How to Start a Program?
    Evelyn Regar
  • Imaging- vs. Functional- vs. Angio-guided PCI: The State of the Art in 2024
    Sripal Bangalore
  • Panel Discussion l

RCT Key Findings

  • OCTOBER: OCT vs. Angiography for True Bifurcation Lesions
    Niels Ramsing Holm
  • ILUMIEN IV: OCT vs. Angiography for Complex Patients
    Ziad A. Ali
  • Panel Discussion ll
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