

Lots of interesting abstracts and cases were submitted for TCTAP 2024. Below are the accepted ones after a thorough review by our official reviewers. Don¡¯t miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and interact with authors as well as virtual participants by sharing your opinion in the comment section!


LM Bifurcation With Rotatrypsy in 75 Yr Old Man With CKD

By Sumanta Shekhar Padhi


Sumanta Shekhar Padhi


Sumanta Shekhar Padhi1


Raipur- MMI Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, India1,
View Study Report
Coronary - Complex PCI - Left main

LM Bifurcation With Rotatrypsy in 75 Yr Old Man With CKD

Sumanta Shekhar Padhi1

Raipur- MMI Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, India1,

Clinical Information

Patient initials or Identifier Number

Relevant Clinical History and Physical Exam

75yr /M/Long standingDM and HTN, presented with NSTEMI, Moderate LV dysfunction- EF- 35-40% & LVFHe is known case of CKD with Cr of ~2.6.Past history: he had IWMI-5yr back. CAG f/b stress thallium- non viable RCA territory- ? Details kept onmedical follow up. Had NSTEMI- 2022 & LVF.PTCA to LCX- no details

Relevant Test Results Prior to Catheterization

On evaluation had moderate LV dysfunction. TheLAD territory  hypokinetic. EF 35-40%.. Creatinine afterstabilization- 2.6mg/dl. B/L shrunken kidneys by USG

Relevant Catheterization Findings

CAG done after stabilization showed: LMCA bifurcation disease: Medina 1,0,1.Large chunk of calcium just at bifurcation. Distal LAD- diffusely disease. Proximal edge of LCX stent and ostium of LCX significantly diseased. RCA – proximal CTO. Plan of treatment :CABG( MICS)- LIMA to LAD and graft to OM. However, relatives refused in v/o age

Interventional Management

Procedural Step

PCI was planned: LMCA bifurcation, Two stent strategy-TAP, Calciumreduction technique (IVL and ROTA),IVUS and TPI. IABP- standby. Accesses- RFA-7F,RVF-7F-for TPI ,6F LFA-6F for IABP ( stand by)Two mm balloon was not crossing easily hence Rota was doneupfront with 1.25 Burr. 5 Runs were given. IVL was done with 3 x 12 and 6cycles of pulse were given. During each balloon inflation the BP was falling downup to 70mmHg from the starting BP of 170mmHg.Bed was prepared  with Cutting balloon  at LAD ostium, Lcx Ostium and  Mini crush was done. LCX was stented with 3.5 X 12 DES and LMCA to LAD was stented with2.5 x 48 DES. The stent was optimized with 3, 3.5 and 4mm Balloon. The distaledge of stent got dissected requiring another 2.5 X 20mm  stent .Post Procedure IVUS showed good finalresult

Case Summary

Post procedure pt¡¯s course was complicated by hematoma in Rtgroin requiring 1 unit of BT. He also had LVF and hypotension. It was managedconservatively, But pt¡¯s hospital stay was prolonged and could be discharged   2 week after the procedure.IVUS helped us in reducing contast volume. Despite post precedure BT there was not much of renal functioning worseningProper planning of each step for complex intervention isessential for success . Imaging helps in planning and execution of theprocedure and is a must for LMCA intervention