Lots of interesting abstracts and cases were submitted for TCTAP 2024. Below are the accepted ones after a thorough review by our official reviewers. Don¡¯t miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and interact with authors as well as virtual participants by sharing your opinion in the comment section!
Coronary Artery Perforation Successfully Treated With a Stent Graft and Second Drug-Eluting Stent
By Chanikarn Kanaderm
Chanikarn Kanaderm
Chanikarn Kanaderm1
Central Chest Institute of Thailand, Thailand1,
View Study Report
Coronary - Complication Management
Coronary Artery Perforation Successfully Treated With a Stent Graft and Second Drug-Eluting Stent
Chanikarn Kanaderm1
Central Chest Institute of Thailand, Thailand1,
Clinical Information
Patient initials or Identifier Number
Relevant Clinical History and Physical Exam
A Thai female 84 years old,denied underlying disease (never check up).Presented withretrosternal chest pain 2hours PTA• Initial vital signs : BP 100/60, HR 75/min, RR 20/min Physical exam : good consciousness, JVP not engorged, normal s1s2, no murmur,normal breath sounds, no pitting edema
Relevant Test Results Prior to Catheterization
ECG 12 leads : ST elevation in II, III, aVF and depression in lead I, aVL.CXR : Marked cardiomegaly.Echocardiography : Poor LV systolic function EF 18% with inferior and inferoseptal wall hypokinesia.
Relevant Catheterization Findings
LM : normalLAD : 90% proximal LAD: stenosis,Non significant DG and septalbranch LCX : non significant RCA : 95% stenosis of proximal RCAwith filling defect
Interventional Management
Procedural Step
Primary PCI to RCAGD : Launcher SAL 1.0GW Wire : SION and Run through NS Hypercoat Balloon (Sprinter legend 2.0*12 mm) wasinflated at distal RCA (12 atm) and proximalRCA (12 atm) Stents :- Biometrix Alpha 2.5*36 mm at pRCA- Firehawk 3.0*13 mm at ostial RCA- Biometrix Alpha 3.0*9 mm at ostial RCAThe angiogram show perforation ostial RCA.Management for ostial RCA perforation Balloon Tasuki 4.0 * 8 mm (18 atm)- Stent graft PK papyrus 3.5 * 15 mm(16 atm)Post dilated with- Tasuki 3.0 * 21 mm, inflated at p-mRCA (20 atm) and at ostial RCA (20 atm)- Tasuki 4.0 * 8 mm at ostial RCA (18atm)- NC Trek 4.5 * 8 mm at ostial RCA (16atm)Stent : the 5th stent (Biometrix Alpha4.0*9 mm, 14 atm) at ostial RCABalloon NC Trek 4.5 * 8 mm (18 atm)The final angiogram show no residual leakage.
Case Summary
-Gentle manipulate when use extra support guiding .-Utilization of Sepal technique to prevent trauma from tip of catheter and precise for stent at ostial RCA .-Difficult differential diagnosis between aorto-ostial dissection and ostial perforation.-The stent graft will help in perforation situation.-The second DES may be help if the leakage still continue.