Lots of interesting abstracts and cases were submitted for TCTAP & AP VALVES 2020 Virtual. Below are accepted ones after thoroughly reviewed by our official reviewers. Don¡¯t miss the opportunity to explore your knowledge and interact with authors as well as virtual participants by sharing your opinion!

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CORONARY - Chronic Total Occlusion
LM Disease & RCA CTO PCI and How to Manage Difficulties
Mohamed Elsayed Radwan1
Kaohsiung Chang Gun Memorial Hospital, Taiwan1,
[Clinical Information]
- Patient initials or identifier number:
-Relevant clinical history and physical exam:
31 gentleman, Hypertension, smoker, 2019/5/30, unstable angina, PCI tom-LAD (Firebird 3.5x33m), d-LCX (Firebird 2.5X18).with RCA CTO and os-RCA 70-80% stenosis, 2019/6/21, PCI to os-RCA(Firebird 3.5x18mm), failure RCA CTO, 2019/8/7, presented with NSTEMI, EF 66%, Serum creatinine 92 umol/l, trop 0.45 ug/l.
-Relevant test results prior to catheterization:

- Relevant catheterization findings:
[Interventional Management]
- Procedural step:
Catheterization thought Left snuffbox artery (d-RA) and  RT radial artery –  guiding catheters (7 FR XB 3.5 for LCA and  7 FR AL 1 for RCA).¨ª  Plan:• PCI to LM • PCI to RCA CTO
  1. Antegrade approach.
  2. Retrograde approach.
Procedure 1-LM (3.5X14MM DES followed by 4.0X12MM NC) 2-RCA antegarde attempt 130 cm F/C with XT-A able to pass into small PDA, need RV2x12 mm anchoring & F/C could pass-down to PDA, after tip injection & POBA 1.2x12 & 2.5x15 mm RCA-m-d, another CTO from PDA-PL ,epicardial collateral from CX-d to PL. broken-tip Sion & Suoh-03 finally able to pass at 150 cm F/C pushing all retrogarde went-out, 2nd time epicardial collateral channel passing, F/C unable to pass and 1.6F Caravelable to pass smoothly, after Sion reaching distal CTO at PL, after Sion reaching distal CTO at PL, puncture with Gaia-2nd, UB3, XT-a went into subintimal space, R-CART2.5x15 mm & 3x15 mm at RCA-m-d, XT-A able to pass to RCA-p, Caravel difficultpushing into 7F AL1 guide, therefore 6F Gazella was introduced to RCA-m forengulfing Caravel M.C. & RG-3 externalization, IVUS guided lesionprepared &2.5x15mm, 3x15 mm balloon, DES 2.5x38 mm for RCA-PL, 3x38 mm mid-distal, leaving 1 cm gap without full-metal jacket, LM-shaft DESlongitulinal fore-shortening reverse by 4x12 mm POT, small segment not coveredby DES, but IVUS revealed optimal results MLA > 8 mm2.
New Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.pptx
- Case Summary:
•Snuffbox is a viable option for complexPCI (e.g CTO)•LM diseased patient with RCA CTO, LM PCIis preferred 1st•Suoh-03 have very good trackability andcrossability in sever tortuosity•Caravel microcatheter have excellentcrossing profile(1.9 FR) and tip taper (1.4 FR)•Guide extension (guidezilla) is used whenthe retrograde microcatheter cannot reach the antegrade guiding
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