Gregg W. Stone
Mount Sinai / Cardiovascular Research Foundation, USA
Gregg W. Stone, MD
Mount Sinai / Cardiovascular Research Foundation, USA
¡°Dr. Gregg W. Stone, the Director Mount Sinai Heart Health System and Co-Director in Cardiovascular Research Foundation has been awarded the 10th TCTAP Award ¡®Master of the Masters¡¯ held on August 7th for his outstanding achievement in the field of interventional cardiology and contribution to the growth of TCTAP over the years. He has made enormous contributions to cardiovascular field as being one of the premier clinical trialists in evidence-based medicine and interventional cardiology. In the Award, along with an acceptance speech he gave a special lecture on his specialty; PCI and CABG for Left Main Coronary Artery Disease: Different Procedures with Different Outcomes. He emphasizes ¡¦ READ MORE¡±
Gregg W. Stone
Mount Sinai / Cardiovascular Research Foundation, USA
Patrick W. Serruys
National University of Ireland, Ireland
David R. Holmes
Mayo Clinic, USA
Eberhard Grube
University Hospital, Bonn, Germany
Barry D. Rutherford
Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, USA
Spencer King ¥²
Emory University School of Medicine, USA
Gary S. Mintz
Cardiovascular Research Foundation, USA
Antonio Colombo
EMO GVM Centro Cuore Columbus, Italy
Martin Bert Leon
New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center, USA
Masakiyo Nobuyoshi
Kokura Memorial Hospital, Japan