Lots of interesting abstracts and cases were submitted for TCTAP & AP VALVES 2020 Virtual. Below are accepted ones after thoroughly reviewed by our official reviewers. Don¡¯t miss the opportunity to explore your knowledge and interact with authors as well as virtual participants by sharing your opinion!

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CORONARY - Acute Coronary Syndromes (STEMI, NSTE-ACS)
Cardiogenic Shock Complicating Ostial Left Anterior Descending Artery STEMI with Chronic Total Occlusion Left Circumflex Artery
Korakoth Towashiraporn
[Clinical Information]
- Patient initials or identifier number:
-Relevant clinical history and physical exam:
 A 52-year-old man with type II diabetes and hypertension, visited our emergency department because of angina for 2 hours. On examination the blood pressure was 89/54 mmHg.,the heart rate was 114 beats perminute, the respiratory rate was 24 per minute and the oxygen saturation was 99%.
-Relevant test results prior to catheterization:
A 12-leads ECG demonstrated sinus tachycardia at a rate of 110 beats per minute. There was ST segment elevation in leads V1-V3, aVL and aVR with reciprocal changed in leads II,III,aVF, V5 and V6.
- Relevant catheterization findings:
6Fr. vascular sheath was inserted into right femoral artery.Coronary angiogram (CAG) revealed left main coronary artery (LMCA) had 70%stenosis at distal part. There was 90% stenosis at ostial left anterior descending (LAD) artery with total occlusion at proximal LAD. There was 95%total occlusion at proximal left circumflex (LCX) artery with total occlusion at mid LCX. There was 80% diffuse stenosis at co-dominant proximal right coronary artery(RCA).
[Interventional Management]
- Procedural step:
-7Fr Extra-backup guide catheter (Medtronic Inc., USA) wasengaged to ostial LMCA. - Intra-aortic balloon pump was inserted into left femoralartery.- 0.014 inch coronary guide wire was successfullymanipulated to distal LAD artery.- 0.014 inch Runthrough NS Hypercoat (Terumo, Japan) guidewire and then, 0.009 inch Fielder XT guide wire (Asahi intecc, Japan) was unableto cross the proximal LCX lesion. - Successfully crossed the proximal LCX lesion using 0.014inch Gaia First guide wire (Asahi intecc., Japan). - 2.5x16 mm. drug eluting stent (DES)was deployed toproximal to mid LCX.- 2.5x15 mm non-compliance (NC) balloon was inflated at leftmain to mid LAD.- 2.5x33 mm, 3.5x16 mm and 4.0x23 mm DES was deployed frommid LAD to ostial LM, overlapped with retrograde fashion.- Kissing balloon inflation (KBI) was done at LM bifurcationusing 3.5x15 mm NC balloon for LM to LAD and 2.5x12 mm. NC balloon for LM toLCX.- Proximal optimization technique (POT) was performed at LMusing 4.0x6 mm NC balloon.- Immediate angiogram revealed ostial LCX was jailed.- 3.0x16 mm DES was deployed to ostial LCX using T andprotrusion (TAP) technique.- KBI was done at LM bifurcation using 3.5x15 mm NC balloonfor LM to LAD and 3.0x12 mm. NC balloon for LM to LCX.- 2.25x12 DES was deployed covered linear dissection at distalstent edge of mid LAD stent.- Intravascular ultrasound revealed good stent expansion andapposition.- Final angiogram demonstrated good result. - Patient was discharged on Day10 after admission.
- Case Summary:
- Cardiogenic shock complicating ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has a high mortality rate. This situation required emergent revascularization of culprit vessel, vasopressor drugs, mechanical circulatory support, and intensive care post catheterization. - We demonstrated STEMI patient with cardiogenic shock treated with primary PCI for LMCA bifurcation including PCI of chronic total occlusion (CTO) co-dominant LCX. 
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