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Complex PCI - Calcification, Very Long Lesion

Monday, May 8
2:50 PM ~ 4:00 PM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater 1, Vista 3, B2
Moderator(s): Myeong-Ki Hong, Gerald Werner
Panelist(s): Narathip Chunhamaneewat, Joo-Yong Hahn, Fahim Haider Jafary, Cheol Hyun Lee, Vincent Luk, Shigeru Nakamura, Gyung-Min Park, Aaron Sung Lung Wong
2:50 PM Practical Tips and Tricks of Intravascular Lithotripsy for Severe Calcified Coronary Lesions
2:58 PM Coronary Calcified Nodules - A Classification
Lecturer: Allen Jeremias
3:06 PM Radiation Management for Complex PCI
Lecturer: Gerald Werner
3:14 PM Panel Discussion I
3:25 PM Should We Do PCI in Diffuse Disease
Lecturer: Carlos Collet
3:33 PM How Would You Define Stentable Long Lesion?
Lecturer: Myeong-Ki Hong
3:41 PM Limiting Stent Length: Back to Spot Stenting
Lecturer: Antonio Colombo
3:49 PM Panel Discussion II