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Left Main & Multi-Vessel (Practice Changes After ISCHEMIA)

Sunday, May 7
4:20 PM ~ 5:50 PM * KST (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater 1, Vista 3, B2
Moderator(s): Mamas Mamas, Pieter Smits
Panelist(s): Andrejs Erglis, William F. Fearon, Fahim Haider Jafary, Nils Johnson, Dimitrios Karmpaliotis, Yoshinobu Onuma, Imad Sheiban, Hyuck Jun Yoon
4:20 PM Practice Changes of LM & MVD Revascularization 2023
4:28 PM Who Should Do Left Main and How?
Lecturer: Mamas Mamas
4:36 PM Coronary CT Angiography for Heart Team Decision-making in Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease
Lecturer: Yoshinobu Onuma
4:44 PM Left Main PCI, New Insights on Technic and Results
Lecturer: Pieter Smits
4:52 PM Panel Discussion I
5:02 PM Mechanical Issue of Left Main Stenting - Gap, Incomplete Crush, Deformation and More
Lecturer: Akiko Maehara
5:10 PM Optimal MSA for LM Crush Technique: New Criteria Any Difference in Any 2 Stent Technique?
Lecturer: Jung-Min Ahn
5:18 PM Unmet Need for FFR in LM PCI
5:26 PM How to Manage LM ISR?
Lecturer: Do-Yoon Kang
5:34 PM Panel Discussion II