the Experts: Mini-Lectures and Case Discussions
7:00 AM-8:10 AM |
#9. Updates in Trans-Radial
Intervention Co-sponsored by CVRF
Room 1-1(Calla Room), Level 1 |
Moderators: Shigeru Saito,
Junghan Yoon |
7:00 AM |
Double Stents Technic for Bifurcation Lesion
by TRI 6F GC: Some Key Points to Make It Very Simple |
Guo Sheng Fu |
7:15 AM |
TRI for CTO Lesions:Tips and Tricks |
Kenji Wagatsuma |
7:30 AM |
Comfort to the Patient with Transradial Procedure with Topical Anesthesia
Jang-Young Kim |
7:45 AM |
Artery Access - Improving Outcomes and Decreasing Costs  |
Howard A. Cohen |
8:00 AM |
Moderated Discussion with Audience Q &
A |
8:10 AM |
Adjourn |
#10. Current Role and
Future Perspective of OCT [Round Table Discussion] Co-sponsored
Room 2-1(Presidio 1 & 2), Level 2 |
Moderators: Ik-Kyung Jang,
Yangsoo Jang |
Jin-Ho Choi, Jin-Man Cho, Kenichi Fujii, Juan Granada, Soo-Jin Kang,
Jung-Sun Kim, Bong-Ki Lee, Seung-Hwan Lee, Duk-Woo Park, Joo-Young
Yang, Myeong-Ho Yoon |
7:00 AM |
Do We Use the OCT to Evaluate DES Endothelialization?
Yangsoo Jang |
7:05 AM |
Is the OCT More Superior to Detect Plaque
Vulnerability? |
Kenichi Fujii |
7:10 AM |
Clinical Applicability of the OCT in Real-Practice?  |
Juan Granada |
7:15 AM |
Development and Next-Generation of OCT  |
Ik-Kyung Jang |
7:20 AM |
Moderated Round Table Discussion with Audience |
8:10 AM |
Adjourn |
#11. Bifurcation Intervention
Co-sponsored by CVRF
Tutorial Arena, Level 4 |
Moderators: Angela Hoye, Huay
Cheem Tan |
7:00 AM |
Bench Test for Left Main Bifurcations |
Yoshinobu Murasato |
7:10 AM |
and How to Treat Side Branch in Provisional Stenting  |
Angela Hoye |
7:20 AM |
Double Kissing Crush Technique for Bifurcation
Lesions |
Shaoliang Chen |
7:30 AM |
The Mechanisms of Side Branch Ostial Restenosis
After T-Stenting: Serial IVUS Follow-Up Study |
Hyeon-Cheol Gwon |
7:40 AM |
Thrombosis in Bifurcation Stenting
Huay Cheem Tan |
7:50 AM |
Eluting Stent Cell Size and Bifurcational Stenting Techniques Used
Lei Ge |
8:00 AM |
Treatment of Bifurcation Leions by Single
Drug-Eluting Stent and Kissing Balloon (SINGLE KISS) Trial: Preliminary
Results |
Kenya Nasu |
8:10 AM |
Adjourn |
#12. Imaging &
Physiology: IVUS, CT, OCT, and FFR Co-sponsored by
Symposium Arena, Level 3 |
Moderators: Junbo Ge, Satoru
Sumitsuji |
7:00 AM |
IVUS Guidance in CTO Recanalization |
Yoichi Nozaki |
7:10 AM |
Application of OCT  |
Junya Shite |
7:20 AM |
Clinical Utility of VH-IVUS and OCT as Surrogate
Marker for Systemic Therapy |
Duk-Woo Park |
7:30 AM |
Long-Term Follow-Up of DES with IVUS |
Junbo Ge |
7:40 AM |
CT Triage in Emergent Room: How Useful?
Satoru Sumitsuji |
7:50 AM |
Moderated Discussion with Audience Q &
A |
8:00 AM |
Adjourn |
#13. Chronic Total
Occlusion Intervention Co-sponsored by CVRF
Coronary Arena, Level 1 |
Moderators: Maurice Buchbinder,
Mikihiro Kijima |
7:00 AM |
Advanced Strategy for Coronary CTO
Etsuo Tsuchikane |
7:10 AM |
ENABLER-P: A Novel CTO Crossing System, Report of First in Human Experience-
Peripheral Arteries  |
Maurice Buchbinder |
7:20 AM |
for Chronic Total Occlusion Revsacularization
David E. Kandzari |
7:30 AM |
Pogress of CTO and Long Term Durability of DES for CTO  |
Sunao Nakamura |
7:40 AM |
Personal Experience in the Retrograte Approach  |
Jacques J. Koolen |
7:50 AM |
Two Cases of Septal Channel Perforation
During Retrograde Approach in Chronic Total Occlusion |
Mikihiro Kijima |
8:00 AM |
Moderated Discussion with Audience Q &
A |
8:10 AM |
Adjourn |
#14. Complex Intervention
Co-sponsored by CVRF
Endovascular Arena, Level 1 |
Moderators: Barry D. Rutherford,
On Topaz |
7:00 AM |
Stent Fracture and ISR |
Hweung Kon Hwang |
7:10 AM |
Stent for Treating Saphenous Graft Stenosis: Useful or Deleterious
Teguh Santoso |
7:20 AM |
Sculpturing  |
On Topaz |
7:30 AM |
Restenosis  |
Roxana Mehran |
7:40 AM |
Aneurysms After DES  |
Jiro Aoki |
7:50 AM |
of Acute and Long-Term Complications of Stenting Procedures  |
Barry D. Rutherford |
8:00 AM |
Moderated Discussion with Audience Q &
A |
8:10 AM |
Adjourn |