The most prominent faculty of the Angioplasty
Summit-TCT Asia Pacific 2009 will share their experience and opinion in
the interventional vascular field.
B. Leon, MD 
Hospital, USA
- Indications for Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement,
Left Main Summit in June, Most Important and Unanswered Issue Requiring
Clinical Trials
Q > |
1. Percutaneous aortic valve replacement has been
performed only in high-risk patients until now. Do you expect
some changes in indications for percutaneous aortic valve replacement?
2. Left main summit will be held in the US in June, and what
is your main focus in that meeting? |
3. What do you think is the most important and unanswered
issue requiring clinical trials? |
W. Serruys, MD 
Medical Center, Thoraxcenter, Netherlands
- Clinical Implication of SYNTAX Trial, SYNTAX Score, Multivessel
Disease, Left Main Intervention
Q > |
1. What is the clinical implication of SYNTAX
trial? |
2. Would you please tell us more about SYNTAX Score? |
3. Many registry data and randomized clinical data regarding
left main stenting have been published, not to mention SYNTAX
trial. What do you think is the benefit of PCI for left main
lesion compared with CABG? |
4. For multivessel disease patients, would diabetes make difference
in selecting PCI versus CABG? |
5. Do you think more clinical trials comparing CABG versus
DES are needed for multivessel disease or left main intervention? |
W. Stone, MD 
University Medical Center/CRF, USA
- PROSPECT Study, Role of DESs in the Treatment of STEMI,
What Other Important Trials Are Coming for AMI Treatment
Q > |
1. Would you please tell us about the PROSPECT
study? |
2. After the HORIZONS AMI trial, what is the role of DESs
in the treatment of STEMI? |
3. From your experiences in the HORIZONS AMI trial, do you
think pharmaco-adjunctive therapy such as bivalirudin or GP
IIb/IIIa inhibitors is more important than choosing different
types of stent such as DES or BMS regarding mortality reduction? |
4. What other important trials are coming for AMI treatment? |
Lefèvre, MD 
Hospitalier Jacques Cartier, France
- CACTUS Trial, Bifurcation Stenting, PARTNER EU, SOURCE
Q > |
1. In CACTUS trial, provisional T stenting technique
was not worse than two stenting technique in terms of clinical
outcomes. What is your treatment strategy for a bifurcation
lesion? |
2. Do you think IVUS examination is necessary for bifurcation
stenting? |
3. Do you think FFR measurements are necessary before provisional
T stenting? |
4. Would you please tell us about PARTNER EU and SOURCE Registries?
Grube, MD 
Center Siegburg, Germany
- New Generation DESs to Overcome the Increased Incidence
of Stent Thrombosis, ACUITY Trial, PAVR
Q > |
1. Although DES has reduced in-stent restenosis
rate, the increased rate of stent thrombosis has been an issue.
What other technologies have been used in new generation DESs
to overcome the increased incidence of stent thrombosis? |
2. In ACUITY trial, the use of direct thrombin inhibitors
has shown excellent PCI outcomes. What is your PCI strategy
for thrombus-containing lesion? |
3. Would you tell us about your personal experiences with
Core valve? Also, please tell us about new techniques in PAVR
and tell us about the outlook for PAVR. |
J. Reifart, MD 
Taunus Heart Institute, Germany
- Euro CTO club, New Techniques and New Devices for CTO
Q > |
1. Would you please tell us about Euro CTO club? |
2. Would you please tell us about new techniques and new devices
for CTO intervention? |
3. Do you think that peripheral intervention devices such
as Pioneer catheter and Outback catheter could be used for coronary
CTO intervention? |
Meier, MD 
Cardiovascular Center Bern, Switzerland
- Experiences in PFO Repair, Guideline for PFO Closure Experiences,
Specific Devices, and Guideline for PFO Closure
Q > |
1. You have published data indicating that PFO
repair without real-time echocardiogram reduces cost, procedure
time, and procedural related risk. Would you please tell us
more about your experiences in PFO repair? |
2. From your many experiences with PFO repair, do you prefer
specific devices during percutaneous PFO closure intervention? |
3. Although paradoxical embolism may cause stroke in some
patients, there is no definite guideline for treating PFO. What
is your personal guideline for PFO closure? |
Paul Taggart, MD 
of Oxford, United Kingdom
- PCI Would Replace CABG for Left Main Lesions or Vice Versa,
Systemic Therapy Targeting LP-PLA2 for Plaque Stabilization
Q > |
1. What is the clinical implication of SYNTAX
trial? |
2. Many registry data and randomized clinical data regarding
left main stenting have been published. After SYNTAX trial has
been published, do you think PCI would replace CABG for left
main lesions or vice versa? |
3. Would you tell us about systemic therapy targeting LP-PLA2
for plaque stabilization? |
4. Do you think more clinical trials comparing CABG versus
DES are needed for multivessel disease or left main intervention? |
E.Cutlip, MD 
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA
- Tips for Treating and Preventing Stent Thrombosis after
DES Implantation, More Issues Discussed in the ARC Meeting
Q > |
1. With increased incidence of very late stent
thrombosis after DES implantation, do you believe that the use
of DESs should be restricted? |
2. Do you have tips for treating and preventing stent thrombosis
after DES implantation? |
3. Would you please tell us about more issues discussed in
the ARC meeting? |
Virmani, MD 
Path, Institute Inc., USA
- The Safety Outcomes of DESs, The Best Method of Detecting
Vulnerable Plaque
Q > |
1. DESs have shown relatively good outcomes in
the HORIZONS AMI trial. Do you think DES would replace BMS in
the treatment of STEMI? |
2. Stent thrombosis after DES implantation has raised a safety
issue. Do you think 2nd generation DESs such as Endeavor and
Xience would be superior to Cypher and Taxus regarding safety
issues? |
3. Since you have many experiences as a pathologist, are you
still pessimistic about the safety outcomes of DESs? |
4. What do you believe is the best method of detecting vulnerable
plaque? |
D. Rutherford, MD 
Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, USA
- The Role of Aspiration Thrombectomy in STEMI, CTO Treatment
Guideline, Tips for Reducing Complication
Q > |
1. What do you think is the role of aspiration
thrombectomy in STEMI? |
2. Would you tell us about your personal CTO treatment guideline?
Do you think that CTO intervention should be tried in every
suitable patient? |
3. As an experienced interventional cardiologist, do you have
tips for reducing complication but increasing the success rate
of coronary intervention? |
Waksman, MD 
Hospital Center, USA
- Clinical Experiences of Fondaparinux in ACS Patients,
Pharmaco-adjunctive Therapy for Thrombus-containing Lesion During
PCI, CTO Treatment Guideline
Q > |
1. Would you tell us about your clinical experiences
of fondaparinux in ACS patients? What is your guideline for
pharmaco-adjunctive therapy for thrombus-containing lesion during
PCI? |
2. Would you tell us about your personal CTO treatment guideline?
Do you think that CTO intervention should be tried in every
suitable patient? |
3. As a course director of CRT meeting, which is one of the
most well-known intervention meetings in the US, please give
some advices for angioplasty summit TCT-AP. |
4. What should we do to prevent DES-related stent thrombosis? |
S. Mintz, MD 
Research Foundation , USA
- Next Generation Invasive or Noninvasive Imaging Devices,
The Results of PROSPECT Trial, Prospect of Future Invasive Imaging
and Non-Invasive Imaging
Q > |
1. Would you tell us about next generation invasive
or noninvasive imaging devices for detecting vulnerable plaque? |
2. Would you tell us about the results of PROSPECT trial,
and what was the most important finding of detecting vulnerable
plaque? |
3. Please give some advices to young Korean interventional
cardiologists interested in cardiac imaging. |
4. What is your prospect of future invasive imaging and non-invasive
imaging in detecting coronary artery disease? |
Feldman, MD 
Hospital, USA
- Indications of Percutaneous Valvular Intervention, Imaging
Modality Such as Real-time 3D Echocardiogram Would Be Helpful for
Percutaneous Valvular Intervention
Q > |
1. Do you think that imaging modality such as
real-time 3D echocardiogram would be helpful for percutaneous
valvular intervention? |
2. Due to the rapid improvement in percutaneous mitral repair,
do you think this would replace open heart valve surgery? What
do you think are the indications of percutaneous valvular intervention? |
3. When do you expect to perform percutaneous aortic valve
replacement in the US after FDA approval? |
Mehran, MD 
Hospital, USA
- What Can Be Done to Prevent the Risk of Post-procedural
Bleeding, Contrast Induced Nephropathy (CIN), Treatment Modality
for Restenosis after DES Implantation, Clinical Trials Regarding
Interventional Cardiology in Asia
Q > |
1. Some studies have shown that post-procedural
bleeding is related to future cardiovascular events. What is
your opinion on this issue, and what can be done to prevent
the risk of post-procedural bleeding? |
2. Contrast induced nephropathy (CIN) could be a problem after
PCI, and some studies have shown that bicarbonate is effective
in preventing CIN. What is your opinion on this issue, and what
do you recommend for preventing this complication? |
3. Since DESs have been used extensively, the occurrence of
diffuse restenosis in the future could be a problem. What is
your treatment modality for restenosis after DES implantation? |
4. What kinds of clinical trials regarding interventional
cardiology are needed in Asia in your opinion? |
M. Hijazi, MD 
University Medical center, USA
- Indication for Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Implantation,
Tips for Reducing Erosion after ASD Closure Device Implantation
Q > |
1. What is your indication for percutaneous pulmonary
valve implantation? For patients with pulmonary valve stenosis,
do you think percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation has an
additional benefit beyond balloon valvuloplasty? |
2. Do you have tips for reducing erosion after ASD closure
device implantation? |
R. Laird, Jr., MD 
Davis Medical Center, USA
- Embolic Protection Device During Renal Stenting, Tips
for Approaching Patients with Complex Aortic Arch Anatomy during
Carotid Artery Intervention, Benefit of Peripheral Intervention
by Cardiologists Rather than Radiologists
Q > |
1. Unlike carotid stenting, the use of embolic
protection device in renal stenting is not common. What is your
opinion regarding the use of embolic protection device during
renal stenting? |
2. Do you have tips for approaching patients with complex
aortic arch anatomy during carotid artery intervention? |
3. Peripheral interventions are still performed by many radiologists,
and what would be the benefit of peripheral intervention by
cardiologists rather than radiologists? |
Suryapranata, MD 
Cardiologique du Nord, Netherlands
- Concerns Regarding Stent Thrombosis after DES Implantation
in Europe, Clinical Results of GENIUS-STEMI Trial
Q > |
1. Do European cardiologists have many concerns
regarding stent thrombosis after DES implantation? |
2. In order to reduce the risk of stent thrombosis, it is
important to change DES design. What is your opinion on this
issue? |
3. The clinical results of GENIUS-STEMI trial presented in
ACC 2009 were rather disappointing. Would you please tell us
more about this trial? |
H. Brubaker, MD 
Forest University, USA
- Cardiac Rehabilitation, Role of Dietician and Psychologist
in Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
Q > |
1. Many interventionists are interested in revascularization,
but their interests in cardiac rehabilitation are not so high.
What is your opinion on this issue? |
2. What do you think is the role of dietician and psychologist
in cardiac rehabilitation program? |
